| - Categoría:Personaje FamosoHera Syndulla es una piloto y la propietaria y conductora de El Fantasma y unos de los primeros miembros de la Alianza Rebelde. Los jugadores podrán desbloquear su traje en Star Wars Rebels: La Invasión. Durante la fiesta es la encargada de darle la cuarta misión a el jugador (la cual trata de encontrar 8 baterías para Chopper en la isla) al completarla el jugador desbloqueara objetos relacionados con ella.
- Hera is one of the rebels. In mission to Mos Eisley, C-3PO stated that he "had not seen her in a while". File:Blue LEGO stud.png This article is a stud. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]!
- Hera Syndulla is the pilot and owner of The Ghost, and an early member of the Rebel Alliance. Penguins were able to unlock her costume at the Star Wars Rebels Takeover.
- Name: Hera Syndulla Species: Twi'lek Gender: Female Age: 23 years old Powers and Abilities: Peak Human strength, speed and durability, superhuman reactions, sharpshooter, expert pilot, very good at improvising Speed: Peak Human, Superhuman reactions Range: extended range with blasters Standard Equipment: Blasters Intelligence: High. Was the only one who caught Calrissian's trickery. Is a highly observant individual, being capable of quickly detecting a threat. Weaknesses: Nothing notable
- Hera Syndulla (portrayed by Vanessa Marshall) is a main character in the upcoming animated television series Star Wars Rebels, set to premiere in summer/fall 2014. Hera, a Twi'lek, is the pilot, owner, and commander of the Ghost, the central ship on the show. She is strong-minded, practical, no-nonsense, and utilitarian, but can also be warm and nurturing. As a result, Hera is the heart and guide of the rebel heroes, and she keeps everyone together when they would otherwise fall apart. She can talk to them and get the best out of them, which is the hallmark of a good commander.
- Po nástupe Impéria sa Hera stala prvotriednou pilotkou. Keď sa na planéte Gorse stretla s bývalým Jediom Kananom Jarrusom, presvedčila ho, aby spolu s ňou začal bojovať proti Impériu.
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- Hera Syndulla była twi'lekańską pilotką, żyjącą w czasach rządów Imperium Galaktycznego i członkinią Rebelii. Jej ojcem był Cham Syndulla
- Hera Syndulla byla twi'lecká žena, dcera Chama Syndully, která žila během nadvlády Galaktického impéria. Hera byla majitelkou a pilotkou lehkého frachťáku VCX-100 Ghost.
- Hera Syndulla war die Tochter des Freiheitkämpfers Cham Syndulla. Sie ist die Pilotin der Ghost.
- Hera Syndulla fue una Twi'lek que vivió durante el dominio del Imperio Galáctico. Una competente piloto, Syndulla era la propietaria y piloto del Carguero ligero VCX-100 Espíritu. Hera era la hija de Cham Syndulla, el líder de los Luchadores por la Libertad Twi'lek. Ella mantenía en secreto un bláster en su bota y tenía una estrecha relación con Kanan Jarrus, a quien convenció para convertirse en un rebelde.
- [Source] Hera Syndula était une Twi'lek originaire de Ryloth. Fille du résistant Cham Syndulla et d'une Twi'lek inconnue, elle suivit les traces de son père et s'opposa à l'Empire Galactique. Après avoir créé une cellule rebelle avec Kanan Jarrus, Chopper, Hera participa à de nombreuses opérations contre l'Empire sur Lothal.
- Hera Syndulla is a protagonist in the TV show Star Wars Rebels. She is the pilot of the ship Ghost and is also the owner of the ship, having acquired through it unknown but possibly shady resources (there is some implication that she may have stolen it). Nevertheless, Hera serves as the conscience of the group and the thing that keeps everyone working together when they otherwise wouldn't. She is voiced by Vanessa Marshal.
- Subito dopo l'ascesa dell'Impero Galattico, Hera divenne un pilota di mercantili. Un giorno la Twi'lek incontrò l'ex Jedi Kanan Jarrus sul pianeta Gorse, dove lei lo convinse a combattere contro l'Impero. Questo suo spirito ribelle derivò dal padre, Cham Syndulla, il quale combatté contro la CSI durante le Guerre dei Cloni, e successivamente contro l'Impero.