| - SPACE: MSDF Beta One and its wingmates proceed to Above Cloud City. Location: Above Cloud City Floating above the very jaws of hell and thus blessed with some of the known universe's more unnerving balcony views, Cloud City is a majestic cluster of towers and pointed spires balanced seemingly precariously on the surface of a giant hovering disk. Half in orbit and half suspended by electromagnetic repulsor engines of unparalleled size, this trade stop-over is home to some of the most notorious free-spirits, mercenaries, bounty-hunters, and pirates that the Galaxy could muster. Bright lights flash and show the way to several landing zones, the great rectangular depression of the Public Spaceport being most prominent among them. Ships: MSDF Beta One Squadron(#3992TOn) [V19] [4 wingmates] Kristol(#4645TOn) [GR75] [battered] SPACE: You scan for targets for bombardment: <1> Cloud City: Public Spaceport Targets: Stormcrow [ship] Republic Guard 2nd Infantry [army] Republic Guard 3rd Infantry [army] Republic Guard Senatorials [army] CCA Watcher [ship] <2> Cloud City: Residential Spire - Penthouse Landing Pad Targets: Bulk Carrier Theta [ship] Mantell Agitators IV [army] <3> Cloud City: Administrative Dome - Private Landing Balcony Targets: Akvavit [ship] COMSYS: Grimolf says, "Command, I've spotted the Akvavit docked in the administrative dome." COMSYS: From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "Acknoweged. Beta, keep a close eye on him and be ready to blast him if he does anything suspicious." COMSYS: Grimolf says, "Roger." COMSYS: (all channels) From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "To any and all privately owned vessels in this system. This area is now classified as a WAR ZONE. You will be instructed to obey any orders given from the Republican fleet and Repbulican pilots, you will follow them at all times. Failrue to comply will be a strike against you. Three strikes against you and your vehicle space fareing or otherwise will be impounded. Forcefully if neccessary. No space faring vessels are permitted to leave at this time and will be fired upon if they attempt to leave without clearence." COMSYS: (all channels) From Navy Alpha, A high-pitched male voice says, "Ship! Ship, you must identify." COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "This is the Belle of Bellamy. You are trespassing in Black Imperial Territory. You will withdraw." COMSYS: Grimolf says, "Beta squadron, en route." SPACE: MSDF Beta One and its wingmates proceed to Orbit of Bespin. Location: Orbit of Bespin(#2873Rnt) Not much to see around here but stars. Ships: MSDF Beta One Squadron(#3992TOn) [V19] [4 wingmates] Belle of Bellamy(#2270TOn) [DRD] Elysium(#1987TOn) [CR95] Navy Alpha Squadron(#5251TOn) [Y/W] [5 wingmates] MCS Rachnois(#4264TOn) [MC80] MCS Merseval(#5937TOn) [MC60] COMSYS: (all channels) From Navy Alpha, A high-pitched male voice says, "No sir! We will not withdraw. This is perhaps your illegally claimed territory, but we will not withdraw." SPACE - Orbit of Bespin: MSDF Beta One and the rest of the V9 squadron come screaming out of the outskirts of Nora moments after the chatter breaks the silence of the comsys. COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "This is not Republic space, ever. You have no legal claim here. I repeat, withdraw." SPACE: Navy Alpha skips its combat action. It is now MCS Merseval's turn to act. COMSYS: (all channels) From Navy Alpha, A high-pitched male voice says, "We cannot and will not withdraw." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "Merseval, open the bay?" COMSYS: (all channels) From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "This territory has been returned to its rightful owners. Your forces have been relieved. Stand down Bellmay." SPACE - Orbit of Bespin: Tari departs the fighter bays of the MCS Merseval, five other wingmates quickly following behind, as their booster engines ignite to force them out into space. The vessels quickly move into attack formation. SPACE: Star Skimmer enters the area. COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "Last I checked the Republic has never owned Bespin and you have no authority over our forces. I must again insist that you stand down and withdraw peacefully." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "Standing by for your orders, Captain." COMSYS: (all channels) From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "We will not stand down." COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "Then we leave you the orbit and shall return to our berth." COMSYS: (all channels) From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "This is your last chance Bellamy. Withdraw..." COMSYS: (all channels) From Star Skimmer, A male voice says, "This is the merchant vessel Star Skimmer, requesting permission to land." COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "We shall withdraw." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "Aren't our orders to engage the enemy? Or does that ship outclass us?" COMSYS: From Navy Alpha, A high-pitched male voice says, "I think we have to follow Merseval's lead." Belle of Bellamy This Dreadnaught Battlecruiser's silhouette is dominated by enlarged bow and stern sections, attached through a thinner , squared-off middle section. Weapons and egg-shaped combat and targeting blisters dot the warship's 600-meter long hull. Though the middle and stern sections are rectangular and massy, the angular bow gives the ship a more sleek, deadly appearance than many of its contemporaries. STATUS: The Belle of Bellamy is a Corellian Engineering Corporation Dreadnaught Battlecruiser in excellent condition. It is locked down and secure. Its shields are at full strength. COMSYS: Grimolf says, "If we're not going engage then at least let me trail them! I can outmanuveur their blasts and find out where they are hiding." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "They want to go sit on the surface." COMSYS: (all channels) From Navy Alpha, A high-pitched male voice says, "Hello, merchant vessel! We will deal with your request momentarily." COMSYS: From MCS Merseval, A gentle male voice says, "Agreed Beta follow the Invader." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "You've got to be kidding." SPACE: MCS Merseval skips its combat action. It is now Belle of Bellamy's turn to act. COMSYS: (all channels) From Star Skimmer, A male voice says, "Thank you. Standing by." SPACE - Orbit of Bespin: Belle of Bellamy turns on maneuvering thrusters, pivoting silently. Large drive thrusters carry it back towards the planet. COMSYS: Grimolf says, "Trust me. I'd rather be peppering it's shell with concussion missiles." COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "You are going to 'follow' them back to the planet to see where they are hiding? It's a dreadnaught." COMSYS: (all channels) From Belle of Bellamy, A deep, rough, calm male voice says, "We can't withdraw with you blocking us, Republic Navy." SPACE: MCS Merseval stops blocking passage to Above Cloud City. SPACE: Belle of Bellamy leaves the area, proceeding to Above Cloud City. COMSYS: A harsh female voice says, "Open the bays, Merseval. We're coming back in." SPACE: MCS Merseval blocks passage to Above Cloud City. SPACE: Tari and its wingmates enter MCS Merseval's docking bay. SPACE - Orbit of Bespin: MSDF Beta One and the rest of the squadron splinters off from their intercept route and turns around to pursue the ship back. SPACE: Transmitting the code for shield passage, MSDF Beta One and its wingmates proceed to Above Cloud City. Location: Above Cloud City(#2876Rnt) Floating above the very jaws of hell and thus blessed with some of the known universe's more unnerving balcony views, Cloud City is a majestic cluster of towers and pointed spires balanced seemingly precariously on the surface of a giant hovering disk. Half in orbit and half suspended by electromagnetic repulsor engines of unparalleled size, this trade stop-over is home to some of the most notorious free-spirits, mercenaries, bounty-hunters, and pirates that the Galaxy could muster. Bright lights flash and show the way to several landing zones, the great rectangular depression of the Public Spaceport being most prominent among them. Ships: MSDF Beta One Squadron(#3992TOn) [V19] [4 wingmates] Belle of Bellamy(#2270TOn) [DRD] Kristol(#4645TOn) [GR75] [battered] SPACE - Above Cloud City: Belle of Bellamy assumes a station keeping orbit near Cloud City SPACE - Above Cloud City: MSDF Beta One :follows the Belle out of high orbit at a distance and in a scattered formation for evasive manuveurs. COMSYS: Grimolf says, "I don't like this at all, Command. The Belle is hovering over our boys on the ground!" SPACE: You scan for targets for bombardment: <1> Cloud City: Public Spaceport Targets: Stormcrow [ship] Republic Guard 2nd Infantry [army] Republic Guard 3rd Infantry [army] Republic Guard Senatorials [army] CCA Watcher [ship] <2> Cloud City: Residential Spire - Penthouse Landing Pad Targets: Bulk Carrier Theta [ship] Mantell Agitators IV [army] <3> Cloud City: Administrative Dome - Private Landing Balcony Targets: Akvavit [ship]