| - The Heel-Face Turn is a TV Trope-popularized event where a villain turned to the good side. The authors of the fiction where the said villain redeemed him/herself intentionally have their Heel-Face Turn even occured to make a good plot for the following three reasons: 1.
* Reintroduce him/her as the anti-hero whom fight for the good side. 2.
* Reveals the good inside him/her that eventually get best on the evil in him/her. 3.
* Prevents the worthy opponent from falling victim to what is described as a senseless waste of human life. There are even more reasons for the said villains to Hell-Face Turn: 1.
* Being exposed to a messiah or pure of heart type of villain who helps them see their errors. Usually done with delusional villains, honorable villains or insecure villains (the villain can also have all those traits) who believe they are doing right, or just want to be loved. The hero reveals to them that their actions are actually causing harm, or tries to confort them. The individual chooses their desire for rightionsous over what they have done, and/or decides the hero had helped them see what they were doing was wrong, and becomes a hero. 2.
* Discovering that life as good guy is far better than as villain. 3.
* An Enemy Mine situation where a villain wind up on the run from the Big Bad where he/she has either deemed incompetent or have outlived their usefulness that resulting the said Big Bad wanted to kill them, in which he/she was left with no choice but to sides with the hero that they usually fought against. At first, he/she may done that reluctanty due to the fact that he/she was at first, did so o save his/her skin, but the fight alongside the hero turned out led them to the good side further. 4.
* Choosing honor before evil. An honorable villain decides that their own honor, or the honor of something or someone else is more important then what they are doing and decide to abandon their evil actions. Often done with supporting antagonists who value the lives of lower ranking people in an organization such as Boss Wolf. 5.
* A Heel Realization, if he had never considered his actions evil or wrong in the first place. This includes when they snapping out of a possessed or brainwashed state and deciding to aid the hero who freed them. The villain is a hypnotized, brainwashed or possessed pawn who does not know they are being controlled until they are freed. Grateful to whatever hero freed them, they ally with them. 6.
* Befriends with the protagonist after a fight against him/her.