| - El Daspletosaurus es un dinosaurio de la serie animada Dino Rey. su atributo es el fuego y fue encontrado en un hotel en bali, indonesia.thumb| Daspletosaurus
- Real Daspletosaurus were tyrannosaurs from Canada who lived during the Late Cretaceous period, from 77 to 74 million years ago. It was a close relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, but was a smaller and less powerful animal, reaching a length of 9 metres. It had the longest arms, in comparison to body size, of any tyrannosaur. Some scientists believe that these dinosaurs hunted in packs, like wolves and lions do today. The name Daspletosaurus means "frightful lizard".
- thumb|Daspletosaurus torosusDaspletosaurus torosus war ein etwa 9m langer Coelurosaurier, der als Mitglied der Gattung Tyrannosauridae eng mit dem Tyrannosaurus verwandt war. Als Spitzenprädator seiner Zeit stand alles in seiner Umgebung, das sich bewegt, auf dem Speisezettel.
- Period:Late Cretaceous 78-73 Range:Alberta to Montana Length:30-37 feet Name meaning:Frightful lizard
- thumb el daspletosaurus fue un teropodo tyrannosaurido que habito la tierra entre hace 77 y 74 millones de años, en el cretacico superior. fue el predador mas grande de su tiempo y, por asi decirlo el "predecesor" del tiranosaurus rex. su nombre significa reptil espantoso.
- In Dinosaur Planet, a young Daspletosaurus named Das lives in a pack including his mo ther and two sisters. They make several attempts to take down a young Maiasaura named Buck but die in a volcano explosion. In the end, the narrator explains that Daspletosaurus has evolved into Tyrannosaurus and a young T. rex shown with his mother looks very similar to Das. Daspletosaurus makes an appearance in Last Killers from BBC Planet Dinosaur, with a pack of them hunting down a Chasmosaurus, succeeding. However, the two larger Daspletosaurus stole their kill as the others will have to wait for their share of the kill. Also, in the same episode, Daspletosaurus makes another appearance in which they are waiting for the migration of a herd of Centrosaurus. The Daspletosaurus make their attack during
- Daspletosaurus (lézard effrayant) est un genre de dinosaure théropode tyrannosauridé, moins connu que le célèbre Tyrannosaurus rex, qui vivait dans la partie ouest de l'Amérique du Nord il y a entre 77 et 74 Ma, durant la fin du Crétacé. Deux espèces ont été rattachées à ce genre. Les fossiles de la première espèce décrite, Daspletosaurus torosus, proviennent de la Red Deer River, près de Steveville, dans l'Alberta. Une autre espèce, Daspletosaurus horneri, a été identifiée à partir de fossiles retrouvés au Montana. Comme la plupart des tyrannosauridés connus, c'était un prédateur bipède de plusieurs tonnes, qui possédait des douzaines de larges dents. Daspletosaurus avait également les courts membres antérieurs typiques des tyrannosauridés, bien qu'ils fussent plus longs que pour les autr
- Daspletosaurus is closely related to the much larger and more recent Tyrannosaurus. Like most known tyrannosaurids, it was a multi-tonne bipedal predator equipped with dozens of large, sharp teeth. Daspletosaurus had the small forelimbs typical of tyrannosaurids, although they were proportionately longer than in other genera.
- His card was activated along with his Move card in a Bali resort hotel. He ate all the food from the buffet table before retreating into the jungle. He soon returned to the hotel, where he was entranced by the Balinese music show for the tourists and started to dance. This was interrupted by Tank's appearance, spurring him to use Fire Bomb, but it was blocked by Earth Barrier. Tank attacked again, but he tossed her onto her back before going on a rampage, attacking Ace when he tried to stop him. He was calmed back down by Paris singing, after which he started dancing with the D-Team's dinosaurs, until Tank used Earthquake from the sidelines, defeating him. His cards were picked up by Chomp and claimed by Max.