| - amerikanischer Schriftsteller (1920-1992) Professor für Biochemie, weltweit bekannt als Sachbuchautor und einer der führenden Science Fiction-Schriftsteller Amerikas
- Issac Asimov var en manlig Tau'ri han var en science fiction författare och Douglas Anders berättade ett citat som Asimov under en intervju efter en inspelning av Wormhole X-Treme!. (SG1: "200") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
- Isaac Asimov (b. between October 4, 1919 and January 2, 1920; d. April 6, 1992) was a Russian-born American author and professor of biochemistry, a highly successful writer, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. One of his legacies is the science fiction pulp magazine, Asimov's Science Fiction, which is still published to this day. Harry Turtledove has published several of his short stories in Asimov's. For Asimov's part, he wrote the forewords for Turtledove's anthologies Agent of Byzantium and A Different Flesh.
- Isaac Asimov was a male Tau'ri science fiction writer. In 2016, Douglas Anders quoted Asimov during an interview after filming Wormhole X-Treme!'s 200th episode. (SG1: "200")
- Isaac Asimov ist Biochemiker und Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Theorien über das Positronische Gehirn haben die Grundlage für Doktor Noonien Soong und der Erschaffung seiner Androiden gelegt. (TNG: ) Unter anderem werden seine Werke im Galaxy-Magazin publiziert. (DS9: )
- Isaac Asimov was an American writer, best known for his science fiction works. He also wrote a number of non-fiction books on a number of subjects including physics, chemistry, the Bible, and Shakespeare. He was born in Russia and moved to America at an early age.
- Asimov, Isaac Kategória:Robotok-Birodalom-Alapítvány Minden idők SF irodalmának egyik legnagyobb egyénisége, aki különlegesen nagy és teljes életművet hagyott maga után. Valóságos grafománként ontotta magából a jobbnál jobb könyveket és novellákat, olyan sokat adva a science-fictionnek, mint talán senki más rajta kívül. Gondoljunk csak a robotika három törvényére, ami szinte szabvánnyá vált az SF írók műveiben, vagy a hatalmas távlatokat nyitó Alapítvány-sorozatra. Bár Asimov már nincs köztünk, rengeteg nagyszerű műve gondoskodik arról, hogy soha ne felejtsük el a nevét.
- Isaac Asimov (Petroviči, 2 gennaio 1920 d.C. - Trantor, 12050 E.G.) è stato il più grande e prolifico scrittore di fantascienza che sia mai esistito[citazione necessaria]. Famoso per aver enunciato le tre leggi della robotica, già presenti in tutti gli elettrodomestici, ha scritto quasi tutti i 500 volumi della sua bibliografia in preda ad un'unica sbornia.
- Isaac Asimov (ca. 1920-1992) was a noted Russian-born author, considered a pioneer in the science fiction field, and a biochemistry professor, earning his Ph.D. at Columbia University. Some of his more notable works include Fantastic Voyage, The Foundation trilogy, and a wide-range of non-fiction writings, covering chemistry, astronomy, and guides to The Bible and Shakespeare. A joke about Asimov's sideburns also surfaces in a Muppet Lab report, as the novelist leaves a memo requesting a pair of sideburn clippers.
- Dr. Isaac Asimov(January 2, 1920 – April 6, 1992) was a Russian-born American Jewish author and biochemist, a highly successful and exceptionally prolific writer best known for his works of science fiction and for his many non-fiction books. He wrote on numerous topics spanning many genres, including; science, the Bible, literature (including a guide to Shakespeare), and history. He also wrote mysteries and fantasy tales.
- Asimov was by general consensus a master of the science-fiction genre and, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, was considered to be one of the "Big Three" science-fiction writers during his lifetime. His most famous novels are those based in the Foundation Universe including the Robot, Empire, and Foundation series.
- Dr. Isaac Asimov (January 2, 1920 – April 6, 1992) was a Russian-born American Jewish author and biochemist, a highly successful and exceptionally prolific writer best known for his works of science fiction and for his many non-fiction books, including several genres: popular science writings, guides to the bible and science, mystery novels, literature comentary (his works on Shakespeare) and history.
- Isaac Asimov was a Russian-born American author and professor of biochemistry, a highly successful writer, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. Professor Asimov is generally considered the most prolific writer of all time, having written or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards, and he has works published in nine of the ten major categories of the Dewey Decimal System (lacking only an entry in the 100s category of Philosophy).
- Isaac Asimov, the prolific writer of fiction, fact, science fiction, science fact, and whatever else he was thinking about at any given moment, was born into a loosely-affiliated robot family in the summer of 1812. Isaac was never quoted for saying, "I imagine I am a genie in this image nation", but every sci-fi buff has had a dream of him screaming that into their face. The real smart ones and real stupid ones have thought of come-back lines.
- Isaac Asimov was a male human author of numerous science fiction stories and novels in the 20th century. Asimov first postulated the possibility of a positronic brain, which was eventually realized by Dr. Noonien Soong. (TNG episode: "Datalore") Asimov also famously speculated, long before first contact, that there could be tens of thousands of planets capable of supporting Human life. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) The USS Asimov was named in his honor. (Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)
- Isaac Asimov was a Jewish chemist and science fiction author. He believed in evolution because that is what the cool kids did at the time. Asimov invented the robot and perfected it so he could build the greatest robot ever, Ronald Regan. Asimov built him to destroy the evil trifecta: Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein and Hillary Clinton. Reagan has acomplished his first two tasks but now has the most evil of all to contend with. Asimov held many conservative points of view, and was one of the many that cheered when the Great Ronald Regan defeated the evil Soviets.
- Isaac Asimov (ˈaɪzək ˈæzəməf; en ruso А́йзек Ази́мов —Áyzek Azímov—, nombre original: И́саак Юдович Ози́мов —Ísaak Yudóvich Ozímov—) fue un escritor y bioquímico soviético, nacionalizado estadounidense, conocido por ser un prolífico autor de obras de ciencia ficción, historia y divulgación científica. Asimov, junto con Robert A. Heinlein y Arthur C. Clarke, fue considerado en vida como uno de los "tres grandes" escritores de ciencia ficción. Categoría: Científicos __NOEDITSECTION__ __INDEX__ Categoría:Divulgadores científicos Categoría:Escritores