| - Flymon is an Insectoid Digimon whose name and design are derived from the bee-fly (Bombylius major) and the fictional Mothra. With its gigantic, baleful wings, it is able to fly about at extremely high speed, and it generates a great Howling Noise called buzzing while in flight, completely numbing the sense of hearing of those who hear it. Its body is protected by a hard shell, and it pinches the opponent between its large talons and brings death with the super-powerful stinger on its tail. Although the evolutionary processes of Insect Digimon are still unclear, it is thought that it digivolved from a Kunemon-species, guessing by the appearance of its face.
- Flymon are small Champion Level Digimon that look like a combination of a bee, fly and the wings of a demon Butterfly.
- The only thing worse than Flymons lethal sting is the sound he makes when he attacks you. The first time our friends Flymon encounter during their quest for Sora. While trying to escape his Stinger Brown, emerges Birdramon and downs Flymon. In the 2nd season is Flymon the Digidestined if they are going to save Agumon. His poisonous sting hit Patamon making him pass out, forming an easy target to pick Flymon used as a hypnotic sound that makes everyone horror should shut his ears.
- Flymon sind Insektendigimon, die eine Art Biene oder Wespe darstellen. Sie sind sehr gute und extrem schnelle Flieger und besitzen auch körperliche Stärke, die sie ausnutzen, wenn sie ihre großen Klauen verwenden. Ihre tödlichste Waffe ist allerdings ihr großer Stachel, welcher tödliches Gift beinhaltet und immer wieder nachwächst.