| - Joker is a graphic novel published by DC Comics, written by Brian Azzarello. The story, set in an alternate, "grittier" Gotham City, details the saga of a typical Gotham lowlife, Jonny Frost, and his time as The Joker's right-hand man.
- Azzarello and Bermejo had previously worked on a similar take on the main Superman villain in Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, and Joker grew out of a discussion following completion of the project and was greenlit by DC Editor Dan DiDio the following day. The initial plan was to reflect this connection with a title sharing the same structure, Joker: The Dark Knight but it was felt to be too similar to the film The Dark Knight, and so the name was shortened. When the writer was asked if he preferred writing villains he said "I relate to them. [Laughs] I don't relate to the heroes. The Man, tryin' to keep you down!"