| - Sometimes, stating something plainly is not a good option. When that's the case, and simply leaving it unstated won't work either, you must resort to using double meanings. For a statement to have a double meaning, it must have one obvious meaning and one deliberate meaning, concealed so that only those "in the know" will understand that second meaning. Supertrope to: Sister tropes include Literal Genie, Literal Minded, Literal Metaphor, Prophecy Twist, Subtext, and Talking Through Technique. Examples of Double Meaning include:
| - Sometimes, stating something plainly is not a good option. When that's the case, and simply leaving it unstated won't work either, you must resort to using double meanings. For a statement to have a double meaning, it must have one obvious meaning and one deliberate meaning, concealed so that only those "in the know" will understand that second meaning. This is frequently used to pass secret messages along, as it is often more subtle than using an obvious code. Alternatively, a sub-culture may adopt a phrase from the main culture, but assign their own meaning to it, understood only within that sub-culture. Supertrope to:
* Ambiguous Syntax
* Double Entendre
* Double Meaning Title
* Double-Speak
* Dual-Meaning Chorus
* Exact Words
* False Reassurance
* Multiple Reference Pun
* Multitasked Conversation
* No Man of Woman Born
* Public Secret Message
* Spy Speak
* Trouble Entendre Sister tropes include Literal Genie, Literal Minded, Literal Metaphor, Prophecy Twist, Subtext, and Talking Through Technique. Examples that fit into one of the subtropes should be placed on the appropriate page; this page is for examples that don't fit elsewhere. Examples of Double Meaning include: