| - Oh, I always wanted to say that. Anyways, I'm also known as Spiderman. Y'know. The masked arachnid themed super hero? The guy in red and blue tights? Well, ANYWAYS, excuse me for a moment. I'm getting chased by a massive robot that is impervious to all my attacks... so, yeah, no distractions. I webbed my way through the streets, turning on a corner, and running straight into Uglybot. OK, so that's not it's real name. But it should be! Imagine- a massive robot with a vaguely insectoid head covered in rust. It wasn't exactly Angelina Jollie. With a rather sad sounding creak, it went still.
| - Oh, I always wanted to say that. Anyways, I'm also known as Spiderman. Y'know. The masked arachnid themed super hero? The guy in red and blue tights? Well, ANYWAYS, excuse me for a moment. I'm getting chased by a massive robot that is impervious to all my attacks... so, yeah, no distractions. I webbed my way through the streets, turning on a corner, and running straight into Uglybot. OK, so that's not it's real name. But it should be! Imagine- a massive robot with a vaguely insectoid head covered in rust. It wasn't exactly Angelina Jollie. It aimed it's cannon hand at me with a scrunch, sending a rusty torpedo at me. I twisted away from impact, smacking Uglybot with my sturdiest webbing. Covered in silken strands, Uglybot fell on an impressive looking mint-condition Lambhorgini Gallardo crunchily. It's owner broke into sobs. "Sorry!" I told him as I zipped over his head to reach the Uglybot, ripping off his control panel and totally demolishing it's inner mechanical guts. With a rather sad sounding creak, it went still. "Booya!" I yelled, before a shoe struck me on the head. I turned to see the Larbhorgini driver looking at me with murder in his eyes. I lifted my pinky finger. "Break? Really need to go." I zipped away, narrowly avoiding another shoe, and tuning out the guys insults. Sheesh, what is wrong with people today? I zipped off to my appartment, or um, should I say, our apartment. Um, let me explain... er, Spidey is totally cool, but Peter Parker... well I am a science nerd and live with my aunt. So? I was done for the day. I crawled into bed and... snore... Guardians of Ga'Hoole: A King is Born