Valo III is a planet, the third planet in the Valo star system. The planet was settled by Bajoran refugees during the Occupation of Bajor. Their leader, Jas Holza, had dealings with the Federation in the past. Ro Laren was against the USS Enterprise-D speaking with Holza and recommended Valo II's leader Keeve Falor. (TNG episode: "Ensign Ro") Valo III operated on a different calendar from Bajor. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)
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- Valo III
- Valo III
| - Jaz Holza, een leider van het volk waar de Federatie al verschillende keren mee te maken had, leefde op Valo III in 2368. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")
- Valo III ist der dritte Planet des Valo-Systems. Auf diesem Planeten der Klasse M befinden sich Siedlungen von Bajoranern, die aufgrund der cardassianischen Besetzung ihren Heimatplaneten Bajor verlassen haben. (TNG: )
- Valo III is a planet, the third planet in the Valo star system. The planet was settled by Bajoran refugees during the Occupation of Bajor. Their leader, Jas Holza, had dealings with the Federation in the past. Ro Laren was against the USS Enterprise-D speaking with Holza and recommended Valo II's leader Keeve Falor. (TNG episode: "Ensign Ro") Valo III operated on a different calendar from Bajor. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)
- Valo III was the inhabited third planet in the Valo system. This system was located on the outskirt of Cardassian territory. It was a M-class planet, where numerous Bajorans settled after the annexation of Bajor by the Cardassians. Jas Holza, an ad hoc leader with whom the Federation dealt with several times, resided on Valo III in 2368. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" )
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| - Valo systeem, nabij de Cardassian grens
| - Jaz Holza, een leider van het volk waar de Federatie al verschillende keren mee te maken had, leefde op Valo III in 2368. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")
- Valo III ist der dritte Planet des Valo-Systems. Auf diesem Planeten der Klasse M befinden sich Siedlungen von Bajoranern, die aufgrund der cardassianischen Besetzung ihren Heimatplaneten Bajor verlassen haben. (TNG: )
- Valo III was the inhabited third planet in the Valo system. This system was located on the outskirt of Cardassian territory. It was a M-class planet, where numerous Bajorans settled after the annexation of Bajor by the Cardassians. Jas Holza, an ad hoc leader with whom the Federation dealt with several times, resided on Valo III in 2368. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" ) According to the script, the pronunciation for Valo was "VAH-lo". [1] According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 47) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Valos system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. In the late 24th century, it was an independent system.
- Valo III is a planet, the third planet in the Valo star system. The planet was settled by Bajoran refugees during the Occupation of Bajor. Their leader, Jas Holza, had dealings with the Federation in the past. Ro Laren was against the USS Enterprise-D speaking with Holza and recommended Valo II's leader Keeve Falor. (TNG episode: "Ensign Ro") Valo III operated on a different calendar from Bajor. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)