| - NC-05 was a United Earth shuttlepod that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-22nd century, attached to Starfleet Command. It had blue and silver streamlines. In 2153, the shuttlepod carried Commander Williams and Admiral Forrest to the base camp of the Arctic Archaeology Team in the Arctic Circle. (ENT: "Regeneration") In 2154, this shuttle carried the senior officers of Enterprise NX-01 to the Bay Stadium in San Francisco, where Captain Jonathan Archer gave a speech to a huge crowd of people, after Enterprise had saved Earth from the Xindi threat. (ENT: "Home") While the registry of NC-05 was clearly seen only in "Home", according to Doug Drexler, it was the same shuttle that was seen in "Regeneration". [1](X) No registry for the craft was established in the final draft script of either episode, nor that it was meant to be the same shuttlepod. The script of "Regeneration" describes the vessel as "a Starfleet shuttle," whereas the teleplay for "Home" characterizes the vehicle as "a Starfleet shuttlepod." Doug Drexler didn't know why the NC prefix was chosen for the registry, other than the obvious reference to the Matt Jefferies plane. [2](X) [3] However, production illustrator John Eaves had previously assigned an NC-registry to the Sarajevo-type starship in a design. [4] The 05 registry number was a reference to travel pod 05 from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, a number frequently put on various small crafts throughout the franchise by the production staff. [5](X)