| - In GTA III, it resembles a generic Ford E-Series, but in Vice City it has an older design, based on a 1979 Dodge Tradesman . The GTA III rendition is seen as a burned out wreck in Doorway into Hell and Road to Ruin. The Vice City version is seen as a wreck in Born Again and Drunk Driving. However, it has a third variant based on a 1992-1996 Ford Econoline, which hasn't appeared in any GTA game. This one is used as a base for the Ambulance and the Valiant Videos version.
- Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2 Attack: Hoof -3 melee (1d3*) Full Attack: 2 hooves -3 melee (1d3*) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5 Feats: Endurance Environment: Temperate plains Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: Advancement: - Level Adjustment: -
- Ein Tier ist dann ein Pony, wenn es einen Stockmaß von unter 148cm aufweist. Die Isländer zählen auf Howrse als Reitpferd.
- A pony is an animal lifeform, a type of horse that grows to a smaller size compared to other members of its species.
- The Pony is a medium-sized civilian and commercial van featured in both the 3D Universe and HD Universe. It is manufactured by Brute in the HD Universe.
- A song based on the game Pony Island.
- A pony is a small horse about 150 cm high to the cross and an average weight of 100 kg.
- Ponies were small horses, used as beasts of burden in much the same manner as their larger cousins. Given their smaller size, ponies were the usual riding mount of choice for small-statured races such as Hobbits and Dwarves.
- Pony is brown with a geeky clothing scheme.
- Pony, along with other children, was picked to be put through a test in order to select candidates for The Empire's assassins. She was able to get one of the highest ranks and get into the elite group.
- Le Pony [ˈpoʊni] est un van disponible dans les épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants :
* Grand Theft Auto III
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
* Grand Theft Auto IV
* et Grand Theft Auto V.
- "PONY" is an original song composed by Creep-P with Ruby based on the game Pony Island. This song was released as a single.
- Pony — фургон, присутствующий во вселенной 3D и вселенной HD. Производителем во вселенной HD является компания Brute.
- thumb|200px Pony es un personaje de la película Toy Story 3.
- Pony – furgonetka występująca w Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories,Grand Theft Auto IV i Grand Theft Auto V.
- There are 4 kinds of ponies, there are: Outworld Ponies, Unicorns, Alicorns, and Pegasuses.
- thumb|Eine Zeichnung von einem Pony. Ein Pony ist ein kleines Pferd. Diese Tierart wird von Humanoiden zum Reiten eingesetzt. 2372 malt Molly O'Brien ein Pony und zeigt es ihren Eltern. (DS9: )
- Pony is the Cahill's technician, or, as he prefers, digital cowboy. He appears in Nowhere To Run and Breakaway, and in Countdown, in which he dies.
- Pony is one of the rarest LEGO animals, appearing in only two sets. It is exclusive to Paradisa. Unlike the Horse, the pony has a more slick appearance, and the fact that there are no studs its back means that minifigures cannot ride it. The Pony is slightly smaller than the Horse and its legs are in different positions.
- "Pony" is a television episode of Making Fiends that aired on November 1, 2008 with "Tornado" and "Shorts: Set 2".
- Ponies were hardy creatures used as mounts by the Ewoks of the Endor Moon.
- In 2372, Molly O'Brien drew a picture of a pony. Her father asked to see the drawing and asked her if the pony had a name. She replied that she didn't know. (DS9: "Accession")
- Pony on pakettiauto Grand Theft Auto IV:ssä. Ponyn on valmistanut Brute.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Pony File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card Gold.png Pony File:Horse.jpg File:Item Border Gold.png File:Legendary Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 25 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Legendary 5% faster Trade attacks, Permanent Plods along, uncomplaining
- La Pony es un automóvil estilo furgoneta de carga pesada que aparece en toda la Saga GTA desde Grand Theft Auto III a Grand Theft Auto V.
- frame|pony Pony es un pokemon tipo fuego de la Region de los Reyes. Es la nueva preevolucion de Ponyta.
- Pony was the former wife of the wealthy Kincaid "Canhead" Plenty. She was a large woman with blonde hair. Pony and an employee of Canhead's plotted to kill him in an attempt to collect on Canhead's life insurance. Believing that they had succeeded, Pony killed her conspirator so that she would not have to share the insurance money. She soon realized that Canhead had not died. Instead of trying to kill him again, she convinced Canhead that he had killed his employee, and the two buried it in one of Canhead's empty oil wells. She divorced Canhead and blackmailed him for years to keep this secret.
- A pony is represented by the letter u. Throw a pony a vegetarian treat (carrot, apple), and it will become tame. Other vegetarian food (pear, lichen corpse, kelp frond) has a chance to work, too. Pet ponies can be saddled and ridden, giving the player the speed of the pony. Horses and warhorses are especially fast. Ponies grow into horses and then into warhorses, the most powerful form. A knight starts with a tame saddled pony.