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- Mackenzie is the lead character of America's number one tween drama, MacKenzie Falls. He is played by Chad Dylan Cooper.
- Mackenzie is protaganist of the Touch Detective video games. She is a rookie detective running her own detective agency which was inherited from her father, who takes cases (most of which involve some bizzare fantasy element) in her hometown of Osawari. In the first game she dealt with four seperate cases, whille the second game had her go up against a The Cornstalker, a master criminal, with the cases interconnecting. A third Touch Detective game has been released in Japan only, in which Mackenzie faces rival detective. She is part of the Great Detective Society, which has given her the title of "The Touch Detective", which Mackenzie does not like.
- MacKenzie was a midshipman serving aboard HMS Justinian. After Simpson failed the examination for lieutenant he returned to Justinian and, forced Hether to wake Midshipman MacKenzie every half-hour.
- Mackenzie ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er ist Inspektor des Metropolitan Police Service und wird im Jahre 1881 beauftragt, das Verschwinden von George Pritchard zu untersuchen. Dabei wird er von Josiah Samuel Smith in eine Starre versetzt und zwei Jahre in einer Schublade gelagert. 1883 wird Mackenzie vom Siebten Doctor aufgeweckt, kurz darauf aber von der außerirdischen Lebensform Licht getötet und in Suppe verwandelt. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Polizei Kategorie:Menschen (19. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Tot
- Mackenzie is one of the 16 AI Generals that appear in Risk II.
- Mackenzie is a character appearing in Pokémon: Johto League Champions.
- Mackenzie is The Actress in Total Drama Failures. She is on The Peculiar Pencils Team.
- MacKenzie is labeled as The Cheery Girl in Total Drama Revolution. She was on the Epic Platypi team. She is also competing in Total Drama: Superstar Showdown.
- <default>Mackenzie</default> Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sanguíneo Género Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupación Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Mackenzie era personaje menor de Resident Evil: Apocalypse. También era un civil del Raccoon City que trabajaba en un edificio de oficinas junto con Marla Mapes. Los dos fueron atrapados en la infección de Raccoon City.
- Mackenzie, also known by his nickname of "Mack" was a Raccoon City civilian who worked in an office block along with Marla Maples. The two were caught up in the Raccoon City Incident.
- Agent Mackenzie is an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues. She is partnered with Nate and was written by Gabrielle. Mackenzie was recruited by Agent Luxury. Her home fic contained some slash and an Aragorn/OC pairing—the OC being a half-elf, quarter-man and quarter-Istar by the name of Aerlinniel, who was not tempted by the One Ring, had the usual Suvian physique (big-boobs-tiny-waist-long-legs-nonexistent-thighs-long-blond-hair-urple-eyes), was "wise beyond her years," and had Legolas on his hands and knees. Before Lux had tried to kill her, Aerlinniel had blacked out. When she woke up, she wasn't Aerlinniel anymore but her author, Mackenzie, who had self-inserted the Mary Sue into her badly written fiction.
- Mackenzie is the 8-year-old girl that lives in the house Chandler and Monica buy. She doesn't want to move and is upset that her parents are selling the house. She has a bond with Joey because he doesn't want Chandler and Monica to move, either. The two briefly talk and she teaches Joey that if he really wants Monica and Chandler to be happy that he has to let them go. Mackenzie also has a pet stuffed bear named Bailey.
- Mackenzie is a girl scout in the movie Over the Hedge. She is best friends with another girl scout named Shelby. Unlike Shelby, Mackenzie is thin. Mackenzie's most famous scene is the scene where she tries to hit a turtle named Verne with a thick book, but instead hits Shelby in the face. Although Mackenzie is shown to have contempt for Verne, she has compassion for Ozzie the Possum, crying when he is hit by a car. This shows that Mackenzie is one of the few, human characters in Over the Hedge that actually cares for animal life. Unlike Shelby, who admires the Verminator, Mackenzie has a look of disgust when the Verminator shows up to kill the animals. This further demonstrates Mackenzie's care for animal life and well-being. Mackenzie's most prominent character trait is how she is easily