| - The Confederate Earth Oath of Allegiance was an Oath of Allegiance taken by new citizens of the Confederate States of Earth, in which they pledged their loyalty to their new nation, as well as to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which they also became a citizen of when they became a citizen of Confederate Earth. There were several different oaths of allegiance. There were cases of rogue Separatist soldiers forcing Union civilians to take loyalty oaths, officially making said civilians Separatists, in order to steal money and other valuables from them and not be accused of thievery, since they could claim that the valuables were given as a "patriotic contribution", since the civilian(s) were officially both Confederate(s) and Separatist(s) since they had taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederate States of Earth/Confederacy of Independent Systems. "I do swear that I shall obey, fight for, and maintain the laws of the constitution of the Confederate States of Earth." "I, (insert full name), do swear by almighty God that I pledge my allegiance and loyalty to the Confederate States of Earth. I do hereby swear, with God as my witness, to have the upmost loyalty and obedience to the free and independent nation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and to its Head of State, Count Dooku, I swear to never betray the Confederacy, or my esteemed heads of state, President Jane Zarkan and Count Dooku. So help me God." "I, (insert full name), do swear by almighty God that I pledge my undying loyalty and devotion to the Confederate States, and to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I henceforth swear, with God as my witness, to do everything in my power to defend the citizens of the Confederate States and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the rights and liberties which they enjoy. I further swear to obey, fight for, and maintain the constitution of the Confederate States of Earth. I swear to always be a loyal soldier of the Confederacy, and of President Jane Zarkan and Count Dooku, my esteemed Heads of State. I promise to always endeavor to fight the oppression of the Galactic Republic whenever I can, and to do everything in my power to assist in the defence of the freedom and liberty enjoyed by the Confederate States and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. So help me God.