Attributes | Values |
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| - 同方面に敵反攻の兆候が報告された。巡洋艦を中心に哨戒部隊を編成、敵艦隊の動向を探れ!
There are reports of an enemy counteroffensive. Form a cruiser patrol group and track their movements!
B/battle -> E/battle
| - * Does not meet any of the requirements to go to F
* Amount of DD ≧ 2 and you have no BB OR CV
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
I/battle -> L/battle
| - * Pass the LoS check by reaching 33 or higher with the F33 formula
E/battle -> H/empty
| - * Amount of DD ≧ 2 and CL ≧ 1 AND fleet contains no BB or CV
* Amount of DD ≧ 2 and CA = 2 AND fleet contains no BB or CV
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
I/battle -> K/resource
| - * Random if you fail the LoS check
A/battle -> C/empty
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0 -> A/battle
| - * Fleet contains at least 3DD + , AV ≦ 1 and there are no carriers
* Amount of SS ≧ 4
* Two ships in the fleet are equipped with at least 1 drum
* Random if none of the requirements are met
A/battle -> D/battle
| - * Does not meet the requirements to go to C
I/battle -> H/empty
| - * Random if you fail the LoS check
0 -> B/battle
| - * Fleet contains carriers
* Amount of AV ≧ 2
* Fleet contains BB while not meeting any requirements to go to A
* Random if none of the requirements are met
E/battle -> I/battle
| - * Fleet contains at least a BB or CV
* High chance if amount of DD ≦ 1
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
H/empty -> J/battle
| - * Fail the LoS check by reaching 31 or below with the F33 formula
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
D/battle -> H/empty
| - * Amount of AV = 1
* High chance if amount of DD ≧ 3 and BB = 1
* High chance if amount of SS = 2 and BB = 1
* Fleet contains no BB
H/empty -> L/battle
| - * Pass the LoS check by reaching 33 or higher with the F33 formula
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
D/battle -> G/resource
| - * Fleet contains both BB and CLT
* High chance if fleet contains BB
B/battle -> F/empty
| - * Amount of SS ≧ 3
* Amount of CV ≧ 3
* Amount of BB = 2 OR 3
* Amount of Slow BB = 2
* Amount of BBV ≧ 2
* Random if you do not meet any requirements
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