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The typical harem opening starts up with our protagonist, Yuuto, a teenager who was adopted by the Takamine family after his parents died. Later, his adopted parents died, leaving him to raise his non blood related little sister. After the initial angst is dealt with, it moves into more haremy territory with the introduction of Kaori, Kotori and Kyouko, who all seem to have crushes on Yuuto. Later, he has a strange meeting with a mysterious miko. See also Seinarukana, the first sequel. This game provides examples of:

  • Eien no Aselia
  • The typical harem opening starts up with our protagonist, Yuuto, a teenager who was adopted by the Takamine family after his parents died. Later, his adopted parents died, leaving him to raise his non blood related little sister. After the initial angst is dealt with, it moves into more haremy territory with the introduction of Kaori, Kotori and Kyouko, who all seem to have crushes on Yuuto. Later, he has a strange meeting with a mysterious miko. See also Seinarukana, the first sequel. This game provides examples of:
  • The typical harem opening starts up with our protagonist, Yuuto, a teenager who was adopted by the Takamine family after his parents died. Later, his adopted parents died, leaving him to raise his non blood related little sister. After the initial angst is dealt with, it moves into more haremy territory with the introduction of Kaori, Kotori and Kyouko, who all seem to have crushes on Yuuto. Later, he has a strange meeting with a mysterious miko. It's all advancing nice and well, looks to be a nice dating sim... and then Yuuto and Kaori are dramatically dropped into another world, where he is stabbed by a girl with wings and saved by another girl. Following this, he's nursed back to health by a gentle young woman whose language he does not even recognize and eventually turned into a slave soldier, forced to wield the sentient eternity sword 'Desire' which tries to force him to kill, maim and rape in its quest to destroy its enemy, 'Oath' Yuuto is then put in charge of the national army with his sister being held hostage. Seems the king has some expansionary ambitions and thinks with Etranger Yuuto on his side that he is unstoppable. And he seems to be right. Eien no Aselia is an RPG/Visual Novel hybrid of sorts featuring the hero Yuuto trapped in another world, forced to fight using a vicious sword called Desire. How will Yuuto keep his sanity, survive and manage to return home? A Fan Translation was released for the all-ages version of the game by Dakkodango Translations, and the same all-ages version was officially localized by JAST USA in November 2011. See also Seinarukana, the first sequel. This game provides examples of: * A Day in the Limelight: Occassionally, you can view scenes that focus on the secondary spirits and their interactions with the main characters, assuming they didn't die in any of the battles. It's also necessary to view those scenes in order to give them the highest rank. * Ambiguous Situation: Lesteena's route ends with Yuuto staying in Phantasmorgia to try and start up a relationship with Lesteena again. He does run into Lemuria but... all the original problems are still in the way of the relationship if not more. After all, they don't remember that he's the hero that saved the world anymore. * Ambiguous Innocence: Orpha has something of a sadistic streak due to being raised to believe that killing and violence are good things. She genuinely doesn't understand why Yuuto is disturbed. * Amnesiac Lover: Lesteena can't become an Eternal at all, and Kyouko also gets left behind when Yuuto goes to become one. In both cases, Yuuto is genre savvy enough to not try reminding them (plus, he can't stay in Phantasmorgia after he saves it) so it's not a completely straight example. However, with Lesteena he 'accidentally' misses the gate out and plans to restart the relationship, and Kyouko has Wistful Amnesia and ends up following him. * Anthropomorphic Personification: The last non Eternal enemies you fight are their minions, which actually aren't spirits but lower ranked Eternity swords given bodies. * Anti-Magic: Ice Banisher, a blue support skill. You're going to need it if you don't want red spirits shredding you. * A Real Man Is a Killer: Averted; Yuuto makes it a point to never grow accustomed to killing spirits. Kaori is also initially horrified to learn he's become a soldier for her sake. * Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Eternals. * Awesome but Impractical: Eternal skills generally do an absolutely immense amount of damage, but have either low amounts of uses or have an incredibly low Mind range, limiting their real effectiveness. They're also pretty taxing on Mind, so even at the max you can only use the attacks about twice before falling out of it. * Badass: Takios, Yuuto * Beneath the Mask: Lesteena honestly doesn't know whether Lesteena or Lemuria is her real personality, but it's probably much closer to Lemuria. Unlike the wise, noble Queen Lesteena, Lemuria is a selfish genki girl with an obsession for waffles yofwals. * BFS: Some eternity swords, but not all. Karma is probably the largest. * Big Bad: Either Shun or Temuorin depending on how you look at it. Shun is more powerful and the final boss fight, but Temuorin is the one behind everything. * Big Damn Villains: After conquering Sardbart, Lemuria is convinced her father's ambition is going to destroy the country and decides she has to stop him. Nice timing for Ulruka to show up and assassinate him, huh? * Big Eater: Implied with Youtia, who eats enough food for four people when she manages to badger Yuuto into making something for her. Then again, considering it's her, she may not have eaten in days. * Bishonen: Yuuto is easily the prettiest male in the game, though still not quite girly with the muscles he has to develop. * Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Tokimi. Only Yuuto and his lover ever seem to realize it. To be fair, Tokimi's quite pleasant so long as you never mention her age or in Yuuto's case have really bad sex with her. * Blatant Lies: After the king is assassinated, Lesteena proclaims him to have been a man of peace who wouldn't want to see the world ruined by ambition. Considering Rakios just conquered four countries overnight, Yuuto isn't the only one somehow doubting the truth of her claims. * Bleached Underpants: The fan translated version only works with the Special Package version of Seinarukana, which included a backport of the Playstation2 version of Eien no Aselia... which means they had to cut out any sex scenes. (Likewise, the official translation from Jast will be based on this version.) However, it's pretty easy to tell when they occurred and occasional reference is made to them, especially Tokimi's. * Blood Knight: Takios and Uruka, though the latter dislikes actually killing. * Brainwashed and Crazy: Kyouko's mind has been devoured by Void. And at the end, Shun has been devoured by The World. * Broken Bird: Esperia * Bromantic Foil: Kouin, though if you can hear his internal monologue he's actually a great deal more intelligent, competent and able than Yuuto. He just lacks the charisma. * Brother-Sister Incest: Kouin calls Yuuto a siscon for how protective he is of Kaori, though in fact it's the other way around; Kaori loves him but she's firmly in the sister category and has no ending. * Brought Down to Badass: Yuuto has a moment in Aselia's route. While Desire is occupied with healing Aselia, Yuuto is forced to fight without the sword. As such, he uses a stick, fights around a dozen guards, managing to kill one and take his sword, then kills all of the rest of them. Afterwards, he survives fighting the spirits long enough so that Aselia is able to save his life. * Butt Monkey: Helion's ditzy tendencies tend to leave her with little in the way of dignity. * Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: More than one example, but a point is made in Lesteena's route about Yuuto's refusal to refer to 'yofwals' as anything but a waffle. Also the vegetables that look exactly like the Earth ones but have different names. * Cannot Spit It Out: One or two of the minor spirits, but also in a more unique case Kouin and Kyouko actually started dating without every confessing. Kouin doesn't want to confess to Kyouko unless she picks him over Yuuto, and Kyouko doesn't want to confess because she would prefer Yuuto. They both do like each other but... * Captivity Harmonica: A small variant where Kaori uses a flute to much the same intent. * The Chessmaster: Temuorin, Tokimi * Cloudcuckoolander: Halion. Apprently she inhertied it from her mentor. * Chick Magnet: Yuuto gains the love or at least deep respect of essentially every female character in the story and was quite popular at his old school. Not that he ever noticed. Kyouko and Kouin, on the other hand... * Childhood Friends: A large part of the third chapter is based around the relationship between Kouin, Yuuto, Kaori and Kyouko. Kaori doesn't have much of the dynamic for the trope, and Kyouko is more of a romance, but Kouin and Yuuto definitely fall into this. Major source of angst on Yuuto's part. * Child Soldiers: Spirits are raised from 'birth' to fight as shown with examples like Nelie, Shiah, Orpha and in Esperia's flashbacks. * Color Coded for Your Convenience: In battle, Blue spirits are the primary attackers, Green Spirits can defend and heal, Red spirits are magic users, and Black Spirits are more of a quirky jack-of-all-trades type. * The Comically Serious: Desire occasionally. When he's not half killing Yuuto or urging him to murder, pillage and rape. Nanaru also drifts into this sometimes. * Cool Big Sis: Esperia fits this role in-story, but out of it she doesn't seem to match the standard well. Halion really tries, but fails. * Cool Sword: Desire. Even if he is an asshole. * Cordon Bleugh Chef: Kyouko actually can cook. It just looks horrible because she'd rather focus on taste than appearance. * Curtains Match the Window: This is what actually differentiates spirits from humans. Their hair and eye color are the same, and the color they are (Green,Red,Blue,Black) indicate what color spirit they are. * Cute and Psycho: Temuorin looks even younger than Kaori and is perpetually cheery, but has a tendency to say some rather disturbing things. And also be a completely vicious Omnicidal Maniac. * Deal with the Devil: The whole game occurs because of Yuuto's prayers that Kaori would recover, and Desire granting that wish in exchange for a contract to destroy Oath. * Departure Means Death: In Aselia's route, she quickly gets sick and nearly dies when she and Yuuto get sent to Earth. Turns out spirits require a certain amount of mana in the air to live. * Determinator: Yuuto * Deus Sex Machina: Yuuto has to sleep with Tokimi to be able to undergo the test to become an Eternal. Esperia and Kyouko are not very happy about it in their routes. Then it is later revealed that the ritual was completely unnecessary, and Tokimi only lied about it so that she could sleep with Yuuto. * Distressed Damsel * The Ditz: Helion * Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Yuuto isn't very respectful towards the godlike Wisdom. Then again, by this point he's bordering on being a god himself. * Doom Magnet: Yuuto thinks of himself as one, though it's unclear if he really is or not. * The Dragon: Takios * Dual-Wielding: Surprisingly enough, it's actually almost unheard of due to how Eternity swords work. However, one of the final enemies in the game wields an Eternity sword that is split in two and Tokimi uses a magic fan with her Eternity sword. Although she has at least two rank 3 Eternity swords and likely more. * Aselia does it briefly during her route with Desire and Existence. * Dying as Yourself: If you don't recruit Kyouko, Yuuto accidentally hits her in the blow that was only meant to destroy Void. She returns to normal, but is mortally wounded. * Emotionless Girl: Aselia and Nanaru. Nanaru is a more literal take on it than most because she has too great an affinity with her sword and lacks much in the way of an ego at the beginning. She doesn't even recognize that she's sad that Yuuto will be leaving until it's spelled out for her. * Empathic Weapon: Eternity swords * The Empire: Sargios. Rakios has a king and later a queen instead but doesn't qualify. * Hair Decorations: Lemuria, the most normal looking of the girls. * Evil Weapon: Eternity swords of rank 4 and 5 are intelligent enough to be rational unlike the lower ranked swords, but not rational enough to control their natures. Rank 2 and 3 swords can control themselves, but do not always choose to do so. * Fantastic Racism: Against spirits and to a slightly lesser extent Etrangers. Straw Man Has a Point, though, because they're all fantastically powerful and some are quite capable of destroying cities. * Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Instory, it's acknowledged that Rakios is rather European while Malorigan is compared to the Middle East. * Fatal Flaw: Yuuto's would be impulsiveness and anger. More than once he nearly gets himself killed for it. Worse, he nearly kills Kaori when his rage and hatred grow too strong. * The Federation: Malorigan, which is a neutral example and just happens to become your enemy later on. * Florence Nightingale Effect: Esperia, though as a multiple endings kind of thing it's not necessarily reciprocated. She is more or less the secondary heroine after Aselia, though. * Flunky Boss: Soma * Fragile Speedster: Black spirits, especially Helion * Full-Contact Magic: The red spirit melee skills appear to work like this. * Gameplay and Story Segregation: There is a lot of this. Oftentimes, that boss who is completely hyped up by the story turns out to be a complete cakewalk ingame. The best example of this is Soma's spirit corp, who, on their first meeting with Yuuto in the story nearly kill him. However, gameplay-wise, they are actually weaker than the average spirits that you will face. * Genki Girl: Nelie and Orpha. Shiah would be if she weren't so shy. * Genre Savvy: Kouin knows that his willingness to kill spirits makes him a lot less sympathetic and heroic than the angsting Yuuto. Yuuto also has some decent savviness himself from time to time, though not as blatant. * Glass Cannon: Red spirits, especially Orpha. Blue spirits edge into this. * Good Morning, Crono * Green Aesop: About non renewable resources. Throw in some disapproval of nuclear power as well. * Guest Star Party Member: Lesteena is the only love interest that isn't a fighter, but the endgame is balanced around the buff Yuuto and his girlfriend receive. To make up for that, the game gives you Io instead. While she can't be an Allrounder like Eternals she is a very powerful unit. * Half-Human Hybrid: During Aselia's route, she expresses a desire to bear a child for Yuuto, but neither is sure it's even possible. However, in the ending, it turns out that not only can spirits bear children, but they can even do so when both parents are Eternals. * Harmful to Minors: Esperia's backstory. * Heel Face Turn: Kouin and Kyouko will make one after the first playthrough if you make the correct decisions. * Hot Chick with a Sword: Do you even need to ask? Well, if you do, then absolutely all of them because spirits appear to have unearthly beauty as an actual trait. * Hot Scientist: Youtia... although her sprite is absolutely ridiculous looking due to her face being about about a third lower on her head than it should be. * Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The game CGs often depict Yuuto like this with whatever girl he's pictured with. For example, Kaori appears to reach no more than a few inches above his waist and the thickness of his leg. Since Yuuto is never claimed to be eight feel tall, the depiction is probably not to an accurate scale. * Humans Are Flawed: Spirits seem to be uniformly kinder and more moral than humans, who vary along the spectrum from saints like Lesteena, Rask and Yuuto to average people like Kouin to monsters and worse like Soma and Shun. It's also a very warlike world because humans don't do the fighting, so they're free to be as expansionist as they please. * I Choose to Stay: Kyouko and Kouin. Kaori wants to leave, and Yuuto is divided on the matter but, as Kotori points out, he thinks of Phantasmorgia as his world now. * I Did What I Had to Do: Kouin is willing to kill in order to save Kyouko * Idiot Hair: Orpha and Aselia. Kaori's hair without the hat might be intended to be one * Immortal Procreation Clause: In Aselia's ending she and Yuuto a daughter named Euphoria to their surprise. Said daughter is also an Eternal, only she ages on occasion, being a hundred or so years old yet seeming like a six year old. They're not sure how they're going to explain it to the other Eternals. * Immortality Begins At Twenty: Spirits seem to be immortal, but they're also confirmed not to start as adults (Orpha etc) and to age, as shown with Esperia. May also apply to Euphoria. In Esperia's ending, after two ages have gone by there are apparently no more spirits left... but they do see a girl remarkably like Orpha. * Ineffectual Loner: Yuuto has serious problems accepting assistance but while competent at his job (raising Kaori or fighting) is not quite good enough to do it alone. * Insistent Terminology: It's not a waffle, it's a yofwal! * It's All About Me: Shun * Japanese Pronouns: Obviously. The most unique of which is Uruka using 'temae' as an extremely humble first person pronoun when it's normally a very insulting second person pronoun pronounced slightly differently, temee. * Jerkass: Shun, Soma * Jerkass Facade: Lesteena early on * The Kingdom: Rakios. The king is a dick, but Lesteena is nice. And later the king is assassinated. * Killed Off for Real: If you lose a spirit in battle that is not a main character, they don't come back. Ever. Only in a new game + will they come back. Also Kyouko and Kouin if you didn't recruit them. Unavoidable in the first playthrough. * Kung Fu Wizard: Himika specializes in close range combat * Laser-Guided Amnesia: Yuuto's memory of contracting with Desire was wiped until it was time to fulfill it. And his memory is also later wiped by Tokimi after Desire is destroyed so that he thinks he won and the fight is over. * Lethal Chef: Aselia and Uruka have a liiiittle too much confidence for people who have never cooked before. Aselia at least starts learning after her initial failure. * Lightning Bruiser: Certain Etrangers and definitely Eternals. * Little Sister Heroine: Kaori, of the devoted type. However, contrary to the expectations of the cast, the affections only go from her to Yuuto and she does not have a proper ending. * Lolicon: Kouin. But really, he truly loves Kyouko. * Lonely Rich Kid: Shun. * Love At First Sight: Esperia, though initially she's not sure in what way. And in Kyouko's route, she's forgotten Yuuto but still loves him, so when he appears before her again she's incredibly confused. Then when she becomes an Eternal as well, the same happens for Kouin! * Love Triangle: Kouin loves Kyouko loves Kouin but also Yuuto, and more than she likes Kouin. But Yuuto never shows any interest or shows any awareness. It turns out surprisingly well even without the amnesia factor. Kotori also feels jealous of how close Kaori and Yuuto are since despite her rather blatant hinting he still hasn't caught on yet. * The Man Behind the Man: Shun is the one really running the Empire, but Oath is controlling him. And behind Oath running the whole thing is Temuorin. Tokimi is also nudging events around. * Manipulative Bastard: Soma, Temuorin * Mask of Power: Faren lacks the confidence to fight without it. * The Medic: Halion and to a less extent Esperia * Memento MacGuffin * Mighty Glacier: Kouin. Good defensive unit, good defensive support and some of the most powerful elemental attacks in the game... that he can only use once per fight, meaning he won't be getting any critical hits if the defender is still up. * Miko: Tokimi * Motor Mouth: Kotori * Mundane Utility: Kyouko uses her Etranger abilities in place of a hyperspace mallet. Though subverted when she accidentally nearly kills Yuuto and has to apologize, which probably led to a sex scene in the original version. * My Greatest Failure: Esperia being unable to protect Rask. * Naughty Tentacles: Kind of, in the evil route. The evil route is not in the Play Station 2 release. * Nice Hat: Kaori's bunny hat. Yuuto thinks it's a little creepy. * No Body Left Behind: Everyone who fights is made of mana, and upon death their soul no longer binds their body together, so they dissolve back into mana. * Norio Wakamoto: Wisdom and Takios * No Sell: In Aselia's route, you come across Takios before becoming an Eternal. Things don't go well. * Not Blood Related: Kaori and Yuuto, though any attraction is one sided. * Oblivious to Love: As many as four people can tell Yuuto they love him during a route while he was completely oblivious. Kouin on the other hand will instantly notice Helion's crush as well as Shiah and Nelie's attachment and Kyouko will be suspicious at all the girls calling him Yuuto-sama, though she tends to exaggerate. * Omnicidal Maniac: Law Eternals * One-Gender Race: There are no male spirits. Instead, spirits come from the Sword of Rebirth, or so the stories say. But in any case, the spirits just appear on occasion rather than being born. * One-Man Army: Etrangers are supposedly this but Gameplay and Story Segregation make it such that they generally function as stronger versions of spirits. Eternals, which is actually expressed in gameplay by letting them fulfill all three combat modes (attack, defense and support) all by themselves. * Optional Party Member: Kouin and Kyouko * Order Versus Chaos: Law vs Chaos Eternals. Law Eternals want to reunite the Eternity swords through any means necessary while Chaos Eternals want to allow worlds to grow in their own way. Basically, order is full of omnicidal maniacs. * Our Dragons Are Different: They're portrayed multiple ways throughout, actually. The first one you see is pretty nice, and the rest... are less so. Either beasts or evil. * Out-Gambitted: By the end, Temuorin is shocked to realize that not only has she been beaten, in the process she lost three expendable Eternals, has failed to destroy Phantasmorgia and sees the rise of at least one extremely powerful opposing Eternal in Yuuto. And that's before Shun and The World are destroyed. Nice one, Tokimi. Temuorin herself escapes essentially unharmed, along with Takios, though both are weakened. * Paper-Thin Disguise: Lesteena's Lemuria persona was only supposed to fool people who didn't really know her in the first place, so when she runs across Yuuto while wearing it she's both astonished and later amused by the fact he couldn't see through it. * Personality Powers: Evident to an extent. Kyouko fits the volatile lightning part, Halion tries to be a big sister, red spirits are noted for being passionate and Uruka has the ninja thing down pretty well, though she talks like a samurai. * Person of Mass Destruction: Etrangers absolutely terrify everyone due to the power they wield, though they're not actually at this level. Eternals, on the other hand, are nearly godlike. * Pet the Dog: To Desire's bewilderment, he finds himself aiding Aselia and at the end Yuuto for no compensation. Before there is any indication that Lesteena is a kind person (apart from being a pretty girl in a game like this) she sets herself apart from her father by taking custody of Kaori and making sure she's treated well. * Physical God: Eternals are immortal Persons of Mass Destruction who do not die even if they are killed unless they get careless. Instead most Eternals are merely diminished or inconvenienced. * Playing with Fire: Red spirits. * Power Born of Madness: A spirit that has been devoured by their sword gains immense power, but they have no real identity anymore. * Power Gives You Wings * Power Trio: Kyouko as id, Kouin as superego and Yuuto as ego. * Princess Curls: Lemuria * Purposefully Overpowered: Yuuto is going to be your best unit. Near the end of the game, he gains the ability to be an all rounder, meaning he can do the attack, defense and support roles all at once, and he'll still be better than your normal units. He does start off a little slow, though. Also, Eternals in general. In fact, they should be even more overpowered than they are! * Pyrrhic Victory: Mild example. The world is saved, but spirits will die out. After the entire story focusing on them was basically about gaining acceptance, it kind of crushes that development. * Quit Your Whining: Selia to Yuuto if Kyouko and Kouin are killed instead of recruited. * Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Orpha appears to be the blueprint for spirits and is at least ten thousand years old. * Reasonable Authority Figure: Lesteena, who may or may not do what Yuuto wants but will always listen. * Red String of Fate: A story common to both worlds, to Yuuto's surprise. Lemuria is a big fan of fate. * Ret-Gone: When a person takes the trial to become an Eternal, everything that proves they existed is erased from the world; from memories to pictures to events. * Sanity Meter: Mind. There's not much affect on the story apart from a few events like recruiting Kyouko and Kouin but it does play a part in how much damage your skills can do. For examply, some ranks of Explode or Frenzy require a very low mind score and several Eternal attack skills require 90+ mind. * Sanity Slippage: There are early events about Yuuto's difficulty in suppressing his sword where he generally falls more and more under its control until he finally manages to be able to resist properly. There's also an 'evil' route in the original version where he falls under Desire's power. * Screw Destiny: Quedgin believes that something is manipulating the world he lives in and would rather destroy the world than bend to their will. And he's actually correct, and this is not as extreme as it sounds. * Shock and Awe: Kyouko has an affinity for lightning. * Shrinking Violet: Helion and Faren when she doesn't have her mask. * Sibling Yin-Yang: Nelie and Shiah * Smug Snake: Soma and the king of Rakios * Squishy Wizard: Orpha, even by standards of red spirits. It's not strange for Yuuto to have six times the amount of health she does plus infinitely better shields. * Stalker with a Crush: When you think about it, Tokimi has been watching Yuuto since before he was born and he's even a large part of the reason she became an Eternal in the first place.She's a little fixated on him. * Star-Crossed Lovers: Lesteena and Yuuto. Even before the whole becoming an Eternal thing they recognize the relationship as being basically impossible due to him being a slave soldier and her a princess. Yuuto even thinks to himself that to be on equal status with her he'd have to be the hero who saved the country. Convenient. Or not. * Starfish Aliens: Not all worlds evolved human inhabitants, which is shown with one of the enemy Eternals, a giant eyeball with fire powers. * Staying Alive:Justified in advance with a scene involving Tokimi that shows that Eternals rarely truly die even when killed (yes, really, not a metaphor this time) due to the abilities of their swords. Temuorin's three underling Eternals don't appear to have been doing such, but Temuorin, Takios, and Shun (Word of God confirmed) all basically retreated from the battlefield upon defeat. And if they were to reappear again, it would be justified since they're not really confirmed to be dead dead. * The Stoic: Selia. That's what happens when Aselia is the only person you have to talk to! * Stone Wall: Green spirits, of the shield variety * Strange Girl: Aselia. Selia is The Stoic because of her. * Sugar and Ice Personality: Selia. * Suspiciously Vague Age: However old Kaori and Kotori are, it's not old enough to be legal. In fact, if you pay attention to the timeline at the end of the game, the only ones with ages that can be deduced are Esperia and Aselia at 22 and 21 respectively... which means you know for sure that the others spirits also have to be underage. Apart from Orpha and Uruka, anyway. * Sympathy for the Devil: At the end, Yuuto thinks to himself he could easily have ended up like Shun without friends. He also doubts Shun would have ever tried to hurt Kaori. * Talking to Himself: Many of the voice actors voice more than one character, such as Kouin and Reliance, Kyouko and Helion or Wisdom and Takios. * Theme Naming: Some of the people in charge of naming spirits aren't very creative, such as Helion and Halion or Selia and Aselia. * There Can Be Only One: Void, Karma, Oath and Desire all hate each other because they need to absorb each other. If another sword is clearly defeated, they become indifferent to whether they're actually dead or not. * Third Person Person: Orpha, Nelie and Shiah * Three Amigos * Through His Stomach: Helion learns cooking to impress Yuuto. Unfortunately for her, she A. lacks the confidence to do so and B. gets too easily distracted by the other spirits. * Token Mini-Moe: Orpha. Kaori is also a loli, but despite her importance isn't really part of the main cast. * Took a Level In Badass: Yuuto upon getting Wisdom. If anyone becomes an Eternal as well, they count as well. * Trademark Favorite Food: Lemuria sure loves her yofwals. * Tragic Keepsake: After Yuuto becomes an Eternal, the only thing left that survived the rewriting of reality was the necklace that contained the last fragment of Desire, which Yuuto gave to Kaori before she returned to Earth. * Trapped in Another World * Triang Relations: Kouin/Kyouko/Yuuto are either a type 8 or 10 depending both on how you look at it and the route. * Troperiffic * Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: Orpha is rather sadistic early on, creeping out Yuuto immensely. * True Companions * Tsundere: Kyouko and Nimnthor. * 24-Hour Armor: Aselia. * Two Guys and a Girl: To be fair, there's no malice on anyone's part. * Unlucky Childhood Friend: Kyouko, to an extent. That is, she's dating her other childhood friend Kouin but both know she likes Yuuto a bit more. * Unskilled but Strong: Yuuto tends to bulldoze through most of the game with sheer power until Uruka joins and starts teaching him actual technique. * Unwitting Pawn: Yuuto actually does realize that the situation is way too contrived to be mere chance, but is still helpless to act against it because his sister is still being held captive by his old school enemy. See Xanatos Gambit. * {Utsuge}}: Though most of the time you'll be crying for your own character rather than the female cast for a change..... * Victorious Childhood Friend: Kouin and Kyouko mutually except in Kyouko's route, where Kouin becomes unlucky. Not that he'll remember it. * Visual Novel: Mixed heavily with RPG in a fashion similar to Sengoku Rance or Utawarerumono. * Vitriolic Best Buds: After Desire is killed, Yuuto realizes he misses him. They also did get along fairly well when Desire wasn't doing the whole 'try and make Yuuto my evil puppet' thing. * Weak but Skilled: Tokimi has only a rank 3 sword to fight against Shun's rank 2 (the power difference is apparently exponential) but can see the future and uses that to bridge the power gap and force him to leave. * Well-Intentioned Extremist: Quedgin's plan actually was better than what would have happened if Yuuto hadn't become an Eternal. * What Is This Feeling?: Nanaru near the end has to have it spelled out for her that she's sad because what she's feeling doesn't match what Yuuto told her 'emotion' was like. * White-Haired Pretty Girl: Io, who is from a group of spirits so rare that even in their world she's strange. * Wistful Amnesia: When someone becomes an Eternal, those who were especially close to them will have strange emotional reactions upon seeing them again. Kaori, Kyouko and Kouin all display it. Fridge logic makes you wonder why Esperia and the others never show any signs of it. * With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The more power you draw from your sword, the greater the damage done to your mind. * The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Lesteena and her alter ego Lemuria. * The Wonka: Youtia * Worthy Opponent: Uruka and Takios with Yuuto. Uruka is similarly interested in Aselia * Xanatos Gambit: The whole plot is orchestrated by Temuorin. Set the four swords in the hands of people who know each other, and make sure there's enmity between at least two of them and a reason to fight. If Yuuto doesn't want to fight, too bad, Shun will kidnap his sister. Kyouko and Kouin also don't want to fight? Too bad, Kyouko isn't strong enough to resist Void and Kouin has to save her by fighting. Shun isn't really evil enough to just want to kill everyone? Too bad, he's not really strong enough to resist his sword. Once all four are fighting, it doesn't matter who wins so long as only one sword remains, because that sword will become The World, a rank two sword, and they can destory Phantasmorgia. It only fails because Tokimi was specifically working to block it since she knew how the entire plan was structured and it was still damn close. Even then, Temuorin did still get Shun. * Yamato Nadeshiko: Esperia * Yandere: Shun * You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's actually a mild plot point that spirits have occasionally unnatural hair colors. One, they're often identified by them (though perhaps not always accurately; Kaori is told she might have to be careful with her red hair not to be mistaken for a red spirit) and two, when Aselia is temporarily sent to Yuuto's world, her purplish hair is a dead giveaway. * Oddly enough, Lesteena's green hair never seems to raise any eyebrows. * Younger Than They Look: If you pay attention to the timeline in the credits, you'll see that Esperia is 22. Believable enough. However, she's also stated to be the oldest Rakios spirit not counting Orpha and there are gaps of years in between the training of those such as Selia and Aselia or Halion and Helion. It's quite likely the younger looking spirits are only a couple of years old. * Zettai Ryouiki: All spirits sport this excluding Esperia.
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