| - Tokyo Butei High school two years A group affiliation. Rank specialized subjects in the detective department A. It belongs to the team "Basukabiru". It is adept at information manipulation and collection and disguises, change in voice surgery. We have signed the island giraffe and war sisters contract when one year. Was Yui~tsu the long blonde height 147 cm to-to-side-up, naturally curly hair is characterized by baby-faced of loose girl. From Riko fan of Sakuchu, and is revered as Lori face big tits. I'm wearing a uniform of Butei High school In non-lethal modifications uniforms full of frills. We usually play the fool character, but nature is a ruthless, when it comes to UraRiko (approximate designation) to become sharp guy tone. One person to know that approximation is HSS. Also, it has a strong rivalry against Aria catching the blood of Holmes. His real name is Rico Mine, Ryupan IV. It is a great-grandchild of large Thief Arsene Ryupan of France, but does not inherit all the makings of ancestors. Ryupan home since losing his parents at an early age to downfall. Even Riko itself is picked up by Vlad, grew up being imprisoned trapped in Romania as a tool in order to give birth to 5 II that may express the ability by the atavistic. Therefore hate violently to be called "Ryupan IV", it is polished himself as MineRiko individual. Also from the fact that it is placed in even impermissible environment to wear the clothes, it is obsessed with fashion. After it escaped and found to Vlad that even came chasing her refuge in the "Lee Wu", in response to the condition that "to exchange for more than primary Ryupan defeat Holmes descendant, his release", "Butei Killing was "to cause the incident. So Aria to confrontation was also defeated, "Lee Wu" forced to leave the, came back to again detective department by the appearance and plea to the police [Note 15]. Then recover from Vlad the house later cross the in cooperation with approximate and Aria. Although it becomes caught be disturbed to Vlad that appeared to be trying to capture again, and asked for help to approximate and Aria and discard the pride, catch down to cooperate with three people to Vlad. Resulting in the fact that it was beyond primary Ryupan, it acknowledges the Aria and equal rival. At this time, I began to feel a clear favor that it is encouraged to approximation. After that daily relationship can come to play well in the room of the approximation, and can be approached to go out or love consult together with the Aria is good. In influential enough to hunt down an approximation and Aria of Hysteria mode by one person, and Ayatsureru freely hair by wearing a blue cross (which was received from the mother as a birthday present of 5 years of age), including Iro-kin of trace It has the ability. In addition, there is also a bomb Tsukai, at the time of the "Butei Killing" incident, have planted the plastic explosives in bus of bicycles and High school approximate. In Hilda game I'm also using gas bomb here was using. Mobile weapon, two Tactical knife and 2-chome of Walther P99. A knife in the hair, it is possible to have a gun with both hands, and self-proclaimed the same "So sword twin gun," said Aria. Winchester Other was cut short barrel M1887, also owns Dillinger mother's keepsake. Frilly remodeling uniforms also will parachute when spread. It has in the hair two of Kodachi of Aria in Hilda game, you are showing off a bi-sword twin gun anomalous version with both hands the Sukurama Saxe and Beretta approximate. Car it was remodeled to Muto, Vespa {this Vespa put out up to 150 kilometers per hour is Mamiya lights were used in AA3 volumes.