| - A Bounty quest is a special quest in which the player must hunt down an outlaw and then hand them in for a reward (normally Doploons). Players can start Bounty quests by reading a wanted notice and clicking the link at the bottom of a poster, this will, if your level is high enough, add a new quest to your quest log. Wanted notices are found in most Militia's and other locations (Consult the lists below for precise locations). Once you have the quest you must find the wanted monster, defeat it in battle, and turn it in to the NPC at the relevant location. If you find two or more bounties in a single mob group they will not all be captured, rather one will be captured though it shows multiple in the loot window. Wanted Monsters reappear without having to wait for a monster group to be defeated: as soon as they are available, they reappear in a group of monsters, and will take the place of an already existing group. Wanted Monsters automatically reappear if they are defeated without being captured (if the associated quest is not ongoing, they are not added as followers and are therefore viewed as not captured). Wanted Monsters are systematically viewed as group leaders and are always visible on the map without having to consult the entire composition of the group of monsters. Wanted Monsters respawn after a partially random duration (the duration changes after each respawn, spanning from 50% to 150% of the current respawn time, which is around 6~16 hours). __TOC__