| - An old legend tells of the Skeleton Crew, who rise from the Grim Dead Zone every fifty years to spread fear on Hallowe'en. Tails doesn't believe it, but the elderly Emerald Hill Zone Leader states they're due again this year and turn up in the most unexpected places. Sure enough, the Emerald Hill Zone is soon invaded by the mischievous ghosts, who appear from inside television sets, pumpkins and even the toilet. Tails tries to stop them before they cause too much mayhem but, being ghosts, they are impervious to Tails' blows. One of the members reveal they will be here until midnight, worrying Tails that they could have scared people to death by then. Taking action, Tails climbs into his biplane and takes to the skies with a megaphone, informing the Emerald Hill folk that the spooks can't hurt them. The Skeleton Crew are annoyed by the spoilsport and try to scare him out of the sky. However, Skully's attempts are deemed "pathetic" but they continue to chase him across the planet. Eventually, the ghosts begin to disappear, hours before they are due to. Tails reveals it is midnight in this time zone! Back in the Emerald Hill Zone, the public thank Tails for his actions and begin a huge fancy dress party.