| - Though horned Daeva are not an altogether rare sight in more civilized parts of Asmodae, most humans (and even a few newly ascended Daeva from the provinces) nearly always seem to expect that horned Daeva should appear brutish and perhaps even demonic—an expectation many of such Daeva are only too happy to oblige. Considering this, many are quite surprised to see horns atop Særða's head. His slight build, almost effeminate features, and seemingly friendly disposition could not be farther removed from the stereotype. This is a fact that he tends to take some pride in. If one were to ask him why, he would probably comment that living up to such foolishness would distract from his religious and martial obligations. It is likely, however, that this pride in fact stems from a subconscious belie
| - Though horned Daeva are not an altogether rare sight in more civilized parts of Asmodae, most humans (and even a few newly ascended Daeva from the provinces) nearly always seem to expect that horned Daeva should appear brutish and perhaps even demonic—an expectation many of such Daeva are only too happy to oblige. Considering this, many are quite surprised to see horns atop Særða's head. His slight build, almost effeminate features, and seemingly friendly disposition could not be farther removed from the stereotype. This is a fact that he tends to take some pride in. If one were to ask him why, he would probably comment that living up to such foolishness would distract from his religious and martial obligations. It is likely, however, that this pride in fact stems from a subconscious belief that by appearing as "normal" as possible he can somehow make up for his "failings" in the past.Once one moves past Særða's horns, his next most striking feature is the tattoo around his left eye. Rumors abound as to its significance, many of which claim that is has something to do with his foreboding name.The more rational rumors, and indeed the ones closest to the truth, identify it as simply a symbol of his monastic order.