The Seven Deadly Schmucks is an abridged series of the Nanatsu no Taizai anime, created and written by BuddyVA, Grimmjack69, and eagle8burger. The series stars spritestuff as Meliodas, eagle8burger as Elizabeth and Gilthunder, BuddyVA as Hawk, Grimmjack69 as Ban, and TechnoVA as Diane. Each creator has edited one episode of the series. The first episode was released on January 2, 2015.
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| - The Seven Deadly Schmucks
| - The Seven Deadly Schmucks is an abridged series of the Nanatsu no Taizai anime, created and written by BuddyVA, Grimmjack69, and eagle8burger. The series stars spritestuff as Meliodas, eagle8burger as Elizabeth and Gilthunder, BuddyVA as Hawk, Grimmjack69 as Ban, and TechnoVA as Diane. Each creator has edited one episode of the series. The first episode was released on January 2, 2015.
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| - The Seven Deadly Schmucks is an abridged series of the Nanatsu no Taizai anime, created and written by BuddyVA, Grimmjack69, and eagle8burger. The series stars spritestuff as Meliodas, eagle8burger as Elizabeth and Gilthunder, BuddyVA as Hawk, Grimmjack69 as Ban, and TechnoVA as Diane. Each creator has edited one episode of the series. The first episode was released on January 2, 2015.