Forest of Terror is a machinima created by Jesusranchjohn for his Explorer Chronicles portfolio. Forest of Terror Follows Explorer Gordon Turnley as he quests to destroy threats to humanity. Under orders from the Explorer Union Base, Gordon travels to a hidden forest, investigating the reappearence of zombies in the area. However, the wiley explorer soon discovers old enemies, new perils and a plot which threatens to cause yet more havoc for himself and his team.
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| - Series II: Forest of Terror
| - Forest of Terror is a machinima created by Jesusranchjohn for his Explorer Chronicles portfolio. Forest of Terror Follows Explorer Gordon Turnley as he quests to destroy threats to humanity. Under orders from the Explorer Union Base, Gordon travels to a hidden forest, investigating the reappearence of zombies in the area. However, the wiley explorer soon discovers old enemies, new perils and a plot which threatens to cause yet more havoc for himself and his team.
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| - Forest of Terror is a machinima created by Jesusranchjohn for his Explorer Chronicles portfolio. Forest of Terror Follows Explorer Gordon Turnley as he quests to destroy threats to humanity. Under orders from the Explorer Union Base, Gordon travels to a hidden forest, investigating the reappearence of zombies in the area. However, the wiley explorer soon discovers old enemies, new perils and a plot which threatens to cause yet more havoc for himself and his team. Set in Four parts, Forest of Terror continues the story of Gordon Turnley, his job and the monsters he battles along the way. Not his finest series, Forest of Terror is the reason of Jesusranchjohn's discovery. Including a far more suspensful and thrilling story than it's predecessor, Series I: Final Maintenance. Forest of Terror is a popular machinima, which set the bar for the rest of the directors work.