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- The girls on the streets look all sad in this gold encrusted little town Why is that? Isn’t this the town of dreams? Yeah, but it comes with a price It’s a town that never does anything and takes all the credit A place that promises so much and never has a thing to say Or a care in the world There is no memory here No dream for itself but the dreams of others And all over the world you talk about a place you’ve only seen in the re-runs Immortalized by its vice and deified for its carnage There’s money in the air there All you have to do is reach up and grab it. In basements, garages, parking lots, empty lots, school yards, town cars, Back rooms and more… Diamonds are fashioned from expectations and fortified on a steady diet, Of simple lives and red carpets The ejaculating zeitgeist in night vision Culture is a punch line in a motionless blood in the water The sharks here play games you can’t fathom But you flock here anyway On college money and credit cards Spend a week bullshitting yourself that it was all true, All of it… Just to watch in horror as it all falls into pieces into the gravity of reality The starry eyes fade as it dawns on you, Nothing is guaranteed You are a part of the great divide, the chosen, or the frozen Now your miles away without an egg, Your college money is a collage of debt And your credit cards are all snapped in fucking half. Time to wander a landscape in berethed of mercy This is now the back lot of your failed movie A waking dream re-written without your permission The real luster, the soft focus, the soap opera vision Is just the hindsight of a world who’s just been lied to Of sad surfs, and untouchable lords You took a chance didn’t you? The chance didn’t have a par for you this time around Maybe next life. And you can’t even walk home The girls on the street all look sad in this cardboard cut-out little town No wonder, that’s the only thing here that’s real The gold is for fools and paradise is lost But the hungry have never bothered with the cost Day by day they fall away like rose petals Like ink that won’t dry or fade It just runs wild down cracks and crevices, grooves and folds So I hope someone saves you, before you get cold I really do. Because the girls are on set in this little black book If you don’t believe me take a closer look. If you can..?
- After a harrowing snowmobile accident, a young couple is stranded in the woods and must survive while waiting for help to arrive. Events take a turn for the worse after the disappearance of Emma's boyfriend, leaving her on her own not only to battle the elements, but also to elude a mysterious hunter who is tracking her through the forest.