| - Star Trek: The Experience var en Star Trek- tema attraktion i Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Star Trek: The Experience was a Star Trek-themed attraction in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sadly, as of September 1, 2008, Star Trek: The Experience has been closed, with no information on when or if they will ever resume. Located at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel-casino near the intersection of Paradise Road and Sahara Avenue. About 1.5 miles from the Vegas Strip. Home to two exciting attractions, Klingon Encounter and BORG Invasion 4D, Star Trek: The Experience provides visitors with a very realistic experience through the use of live interaction and motion simulators. Some may even say chillingly realistic. The Experience unfolds much like the stories that inspired it. It is scripted by "Next Generation" alumni Rene Echevarria and Ken Biller.
- Star Trek: The Experience ist eine Attraktion des Hilton Hotels in Las Vegas. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit, an zwei Erlebnistouren teilzunehmen. Zum einen ist das der "Klingon Encounter", in dem man an der Seite von Commander Riker und Lieutenant Commander La Forge gegen Klingonen antreten muss. Als Kadett der Sternenflotte wird man an Bord der Enterprise gebeamt, erkundet die Gänge des Schiffs, fährt mit dem Turbolift und landet letztendlich auf der Brücke, die originalgetreu nachgebildet wurde. Am 1. September 2008 wurde die Ausstellung geschlossen.
| - Star Trek: The Experience var en Star Trek- tema attraktion i Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Star Trek: The Experience ist eine Attraktion des Hilton Hotels in Las Vegas. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit, an zwei Erlebnistouren teilzunehmen. Zum einen ist das der "Klingon Encounter", in dem man an der Seite von Commander Riker und Lieutenant Commander La Forge gegen Klingonen antreten muss. Als Kadett der Sternenflotte wird man an Bord der Enterprise gebeamt, erkundet die Gänge des Schiffs, fährt mit dem Turbolift und landet letztendlich auf der Brücke, die originalgetreu nachgebildet wurde. Zum anderen gibt es die "Borg Invasion 4D", welche identisch mit der Show im ehemaligen Spacecenter in Bremen ist. Hier wird die von den Borg gekarperte USS Voyager erkundet und die Crew beim Kampf unterstüzt. Des Weiteren können zahlreiche Filmrequisiten aller Serien und Filme bestaunt werden, so auch zahlreiche Uniformen, und andere Requisiten. Darüber hinaus kann man sich auf dem Stuhl des Captains und in einem Borg-Alkoven fotografieren lassen, sowie sich auf der Brücke der Enterprise trauen lassen. Am 1. September 2008 wurde die Ausstellung geschlossen.
- Sadly, as of September 1, 2008, Star Trek: The Experience has been closed, with no information on when or if they will ever resume. Located at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel-casino near the intersection of Paradise Road and Sahara Avenue. About 1.5 miles from the Vegas Strip. Home to two exciting attractions, Klingon Encounter and BORG Invasion 4D, Star Trek: The Experience provides visitors with a very realistic experience through the use of live interaction and motion simulators. Some may even say chillingly realistic. The Experience unfolds much like the stories that inspired it. It is scripted by "Next Generation" alumni Rene Echevarria and Ken Biller. BORG Invasion 4D: As unsuspecting visitors tour a research facility, they are attacked by the BORG, who try to capture and assimilate them. The experience is all too real, with the utilization of 3D and 4D effects, as well as live actors. Klingon Encounter: Visitors are "accidentally" beamed onto the Starship Enterprise, just as it is being attacked by several Klingon warships. In an effort to escape, visitors hurry to a shuttle bay, where they board a 27-car shuttle and attempt to make their way home. Tickets are good for the entire day, so you can leisurely stroll through the "History of the Future" exhibit, which displays Star Trek props, weaponry, spacecraft and award-winning masks and costumes. Quark's Bar and Restaurant and Deep Space Nine promenade: Quark's Bar and Restaurant, which can be found in the Deep Space Nine promenade, is a galactic pit stop offering tasty concoctions that are out of this world. The Deep Space Nine Promenade also houses the Promenade shops, where you can check out the world's largest collection of Star Trek memorabilia and collectibles and perhaps purchase a souvenir. Souvenir photos: Now you can take a souvenir photo in the Captain's Chair on the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise or in an authentic BORG Regeneration Chamber. Participants must sign up ahead of time at the ticket booth. Star Trek: The Experience -- Secrets Unveiled: Visitors can now take a behind-the-scenes tour of Star Trek: The Experience and learn how the Klingon Encounter and BORG Invasion 4D rides make visitors feel as if they have truly been transported to another space and time.
- Star Trek: The Experience was a Star Trek-themed attraction in Las Vegas, Nevada.