Le- was a Matoran prefix meaning "air". When used, it denoted that the object of its reference was associated with air and/or the Element of Air in particular. The prefix could also be incorporated into names.
Példa: LE 4 elrakja az imént kézbevett botot. Kategória:Parancsok
Le- was a Matoran prefix meaning "air". When used, it denoted that the object of its reference was associated with air and/or the Element of Air in particular. The prefix could also be incorporated into names.
[le] Catégorie:Flexion manquante prononciations et variantes
* l. : [le]
* auv. : [lə]
* devant voyelle : l' 1.
* []Catégorie:Toulousain []Catégorie:Fuxéen []Catégorie:Auvergnat article défini masculin singulier ________________________________________________________________________________ autres variantes
* masculin : lò (pl. lòs) (forme archaïsante, attestée en nord-occitan, seulement au pl. en limousin) ; lu (variante secondaire en limousin, au sing. seulement) ________________________________________________________________________________