| - The Bristolian Republic is centred around its capital, and the second largest city in Europe, Bristopolis, a metropolis of massive size and might, a mecca of technological advancement, economic activity and cultural development. Bristopolis itself is divided into four Urban Zones. Surrounding the metropolis, lie the poorer districts and further out, rural zones. Rural Zones are those which have higher regulations on building, and their main priorities are production of food in large bio-farms, which produce huge quantities of produce for use in the city, and to be shipped abroad.
| - The Bristolian Republic is centred around its capital, and the second largest city in Europe, Bristopolis, a metropolis of massive size and might, a mecca of technological advancement, economic activity and cultural development. Bristopolis itself is divided into four Urban Zones. Surrounding the metropolis, lie the poorer districts and further out, rural zones. Rural Zones are those which have higher regulations on building, and their main priorities are production of food in large bio-farms, which produce huge quantities of produce for use in the city, and to be shipped abroad. The Bristolian Republic was officially formed after the Sino-Russian Invasion of Europe and subsequently the United Kingdom. The Sino-Russo Invasion toppled the European Union's government, and the United Kingdom could not hold its own against the two powers, and its government fell in December 2030. Bristol was largely untouched by the Russo-Chinese occupations in Europe, largely becoming a lawless zone along with the rest of the Southwest of England, with London almost entirely decimated by the European-Russo-Chinese War. Survivors and refugees flocked to the city in hopes to escape rising sea levels, and radioactive fallout. By 2035, all occupations in Europe had ended, and Russian and Chinese forces retreated. The formation of the Parisian Republic led to a consensus among the terrified population of Bristol to form a stable centralised government. As sea levels rose to the highest in centuries, among the last remaining companies of the United Kingdom, the Pharrell Corporation, agreed to asist the newly formed governing body of Bristol in modernising its infrastructure, including the huge contract to build the Bristol Shield which would protect the city, and surrounding areas from flooding. Bristol was assisted by the Parisian Republic financially for the project. Refugees began to ship in en masse from across Europe and the former British Isles. After the construction, Bristol was in major debt to the Pharrell Corporation, the company had increasingly large power over the government of the Bristolian Republic throughout the 2040's, giving it largely free reign over Bristol. Bristolian Republic is a representative democracy, with the executive power vested in the Chancellor of Bristol, while the legislative body is the Quorom. The Quorom comprises of elected representatives from each zone, urban zones are entitled to a higher number of representatives than rural zones. Any policies or mandates proposed by the Chancellor must first go through vote in the unicameral Quorom. The Chancellor has the right to construct a cabinet, in which aids governance. The Pharrell Corporation however, is a major, powerful and influential contractor of the government, who in the past has created Bristol as their own private metropolis.