| - Originally known as the city of Vozhdya, this former enclave of the Vozhd-Kahar can be found southeast of the Market District, along Kahar Road in the Forest District. When the Imperial House Kahar began to grow suspicious of the Vozhdian power-grab of townships that had historically been Imperial Kahar territory, the animosity between the true-blood Kahars and the sub-House Vozhd-Kahars began to escalate. Eventually, Markus Kahar fell from grace in a most spectacular fashion, and the brief return to power that House Vozhdya experienced crumbled into nothing. As House Vozhd-Kahar came crashing down around those few Vozhydians who clung to their former glories, Vozhdya was claimed as an Imperial territory in 626 ATA, put under the administration of one Renkek Kahar (then a Vozhydian himself), and renamed Aegisview. When Sahna Nillu managed to trick Renkek into signing over ownership of Aegisview to her, and dissolving House Vozhydia for good, the fate of both the city and the sub-House was sealed. Although not an official action, the deception was good enough for all the remaining Vozhydians to abandon their sub-House and declare themselves true Kahar, creating a curious legal situation. Eventually the legal matter was resolved late in 656 ATA when Prince Serath Kahar and Emperor Zolor Zahir disbanded House Vozhdya entirely. Aegisview thus became a holding of House Kahar for a while. However, early in 657 ATA the Prince renamed the city Freehaven and gave it to the People of Fastheld. That same week he abandoned Aegisview Keep and gave it to the Imperial Watch under the new title of Fort Wolfsbane (after his close friend, Vhramis Wolfsbane). To date, Freehaven remains a city held by Imperial authority, and is considered a Free City free of Noble influence. Trade has boomed as a new wave of people - Nobles and Freelanders alike - have relocated to this unique city to take advantage of the neutrality it now holds.