| - Denuth, a child of Mother Earth, explores the scene of a violent explosion. He finds Liossercal lying wounded along the shore of a leagues-long, water-filled crater and is shocked to discover that the Son of Light has caused the destruction by destroying an Azath House. Denuth considers taking advantage of the Soletaken Eleint's weakness to finish him off, but Liossercal smiles threateningly, sensing his intentions. Liossercal argues that "Draconus is a fool. His conclusions flawed. Rigidity is not the answer." Instead, Liossercal claims his own actions at the Azath House were for "exploring alternatives." Denuth orders him to leave, hurrying Liossercal on his way by noting that Draconus is approaching and he "brings his answer with him."
| - Denuth, a child of Mother Earth, explores the scene of a violent explosion. He finds Liossercal lying wounded along the shore of a leagues-long, water-filled crater and is shocked to discover that the Son of Light has caused the destruction by destroying an Azath House. Denuth considers taking advantage of the Soletaken Eleint's weakness to finish him off, but Liossercal smiles threateningly, sensing his intentions. Liossercal argues that "Draconus is a fool. His conclusions flawed. Rigidity is not the answer." Instead, Liossercal claims his own actions at the Azath House were for "exploring alternatives." Denuth orders him to leave, hurrying Liossercal on his way by noting that Draconus is approaching and he "brings his answer with him." As Denuth sits at the crater's shore, he is approached by Draconus, in pursuit of Liossercal and seemingly bearing an unfinished Dragnipur in the form of an "alarming darkness." When Denuth warily greets the deadly Elder God using the titles "Consort of Dark" and "Suzerain of Night", Draconus claims to be "Consort no longer. And that suzerainty long defied." Draconus is eager to add the Bastard of Light's essence to the Void at his side, but Denuth foretells that "He is not for you." A cross Draconus says his pursuit is in service of his own version of union and prepares to follow Liossercal. When Denuth attempts to involve Anomander Rake, Draconus sneers, "Speak not to me of that upstart. I will bring him to heel soon enough." Voicing his attraction to this new world of "change and flux", Draconus muses that "perhaps I shall remain a time here" before he departs Denuth's side. Denuth despairs for peace on a world filled with such powerful feuding entities. He decides to continue contemplating and consult with Mother Earth for answers.