| - The White Flight is made up of 5 members. Rolf (elf fighter), Lishatt (elf ranger), Copper (dwarf rogue), Klaus (dwarf wizard) and Herb (white dragon). Rolf and Lishatt found Herb when he was still very young, and did their best to raise him. From an early age (probably as part of his aborted upbringing coupled with his diminished intelligence) Herb was convinced that Tiamat was his patron deity. Lishatt, despite her lore and way with words was unable to convince Herb otherwise. The solution to the problem was to give Herb a copy of the "book of Tiamat", in actuality a heavily edited book of Mitra. Herb believes the book to canon, and on the odd occasion where someone has dared to try to correct Herb, he has dealt with them as all blasphemers are dealt with (by giving them a stern talking
| - The White Flight is made up of 5 members. Rolf (elf fighter), Lishatt (elf ranger), Copper (dwarf rogue), Klaus (dwarf wizard) and Herb (white dragon). Rolf and Lishatt found Herb when he was still very young, and did their best to raise him. From an early age (probably as part of his aborted upbringing coupled with his diminished intelligence) Herb was convinced that Tiamat was his patron deity. Lishatt, despite her lore and way with words was unable to convince Herb otherwise. The solution to the problem was to give Herb a copy of the "book of Tiamat", in actuality a heavily edited book of Mitra. Herb believes the book to canon, and on the odd occasion where someone has dared to try to correct Herb, he has dealt with them as all blasphemers are dealt with (by giving them a stern talking to until they go away). Rolf, Lishatt and Herb live in an old tower very close to Sandpoint, a relic of the time when there were a few dragons around and some facilities were constructed to make them comfortable. A friendship with the Archmage has seen the trio go out on quests at the behest of the Sandpoint Mage's College, along with the dwarven mage Klaus. Copper is a semi-retired adventurer who comes along as a spotter when needed. The group has seen mixed success, while they usually succeed at their tasks they are rarely given dangerous work, and are kept close to Sandpoint to deal with any threats that come down from the mountains. Peace times see them heading north along the shore, looking for some of the 4th age ruins that still haunt the coastal cliffs. Although Rolf and Lishatt spend a considerable sum on magic that keeps them young, Herb happily grows older. While humans begin to weaken after adulthood, dragons continue to amass strength for many centuries. Herb is friendly and thoughtful and imbecilic to the point where he does not question much, but with every decade he gets stronger. Even now his scales are gaining the silvery sheen of magical armor, and his ability to cast spells is that of a dragon twice his age. Rolf and Lishatt worry that one day Herb may discover the truth or simply decide to rebel, and his draconic blood coupled with his centuries of martial training mean they may not be able to stop him.