| - It can be assumed that the only way up the mountain is through either climbing it, which was what the middle school losers had to do, or swimming through a river that connects to the mountain's caves. The latter, however, is not confirmed because it was used as a route leaving the mountain by Ryoma, Kenya, and Kei when the Drunken Coach instructed them to steal sake from the main camp. The mountain is home to many wild animals, including wild eagles.
| - It can be assumed that the only way up the mountain is through either climbing it, which was what the middle school losers had to do, or swimming through a river that connects to the mountain's caves. The latter, however, is not confirmed because it was used as a route leaving the mountain by Ryoma, Kenya, and Kei when the Drunken Coach instructed them to steal sake from the main camp. StrangeTasks.png StrangeTasks2.png StrangeTasks3.png StrangeTasks4.png At the mountain, Coach Nyuudo forces his students to participate in strange activities that include: running away from eagles, sleeping in caves, and stealing sake from the main camp (called the "Special Mission"). In the anime, it is also shown that he made the middle schoolers hang upside down from trees while hitting a tennis ball, riding kid scooters up a mountain slope, avoiding falling objects, running on logs rolling down a river, and climbing up and down a mountain for water. The mountain is home to many wild animals, including wild eagles.