Courtney Gears was a robotic pop star. She was a big supporter of the "Destroying the organic life forms" movement. In the year 5356 she was considered the hottest pop star in the Solana Galaxy. She lost her popularity after the scandal with Nefarious, however.
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- Courtney Gears
- Courtney Gears
- Courtney Gears
| - Courtney Gears was a robotic pop star. She was a big supporter of the "Destroying the organic life forms" movement. In the year 5356 she was considered the hottest pop star in the Solana Galaxy. She lost her popularity after the scandal with Nefarious, however.
- Courtney Gears est une chanteuse robotique qui fera passer la propagande du Dr Nefarious à travers ses chansons, telles "Mort aux Bouseux". Elle est considérée comme une star dans la galaxie de Solana, plus pour son physique que sa voix.
- The only known Courtney Gears song to appear throughout the series is the "Anti-Squishie" song from Up Your Arsenal
- Courtney Gears is a robot and a singer in R&C3 . blargipedia sucks !!!!!
- Courtney Gears var en ekstremt populær pop-stjerne fra galaksen Solana. Hun hadde sine opptredener i Up your arsenal hvor alle trodde hun var snill og grei! helt til hun forvandlet skid mcmarx til en robot/cyborg på Obani Draco i up your arsenal! hun er en robot som skal være laget av Dr Nefarious. Hun var også med i Ratchet Deadlocked noe som er litt mystisk siden hun tilsyenlatende ble drept av Ratchet i up your arsenal på Obani Draco! hun ble nevnet i a crack in time på planeten Vapedia hvor Cassiopeia og dr Nefarious hadde en samtale og cassiopeia sa: "kutt ut med å behandle meg som en av robot lakeiene dine, JEG ER IKKE COURTNEY GEARS!!!" i den første delen av treningsområdet hvor ingen mann noensinne har overlevd! eller, er det egentlig sant!
- Her first appearence was at a legal Gladiator show called Annihilation Nation, where she handed over the Thyrra- Guise, as a prize for winning a gauntlet, to Ratchet. Later in the game, Ratchet and Clank found one of her music videos (see video below), that led to suspicion that she was affilated to Nefarious. After Ratchet and Clank won another Annihilation Nation match, Clank arranged a meeting with her at the Holostar Studios. At the studios, however, she shows her true side by kidnapping Clank and replace him with Klunk, Clank's evil twin. Even more later, she kidnaps Skidz, a commrade of Ratchet, and turns him into a robot. She plans to do the same with Ratchet, however despite her impressive fighting abilities and backup dancers, Ratchet defeats her and seemingly destroys
- right|thumb|Courtney Gears.Courtney Gears oli laulaja Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenalissa. Hän oli yksi Dr. Nefariouksen alaisista. Hän lupasi kertoa Nefariouksen suunnitelmista, jos pääsisi yhteen Secret Agent Clankin jaksoon. Studiolla kuvausten jälkeen Courtney tainnutti Clankin ja vei tämän Dr. Nefariouksen puheille, joka tarjosi Clankille kumppanuutta, huonolla menestyksellä. Seuraavaksi Ratchet ja Klunk (Nefariousin rakentama Clankin kopio, jolla Nefarious saattoi seurata Ratchetin liikkeitä) löysivät Courtneyn Obani Dracolta. Hän muutti Skid McMarxin robotiksi Ratchetin nähden sen nauhoitukselta. Nauhoituksen katsomisen jälkeen Ratchet teleportattiin tilaan, jossa Courtney Gears teki musiikkivideoitaan ja alkoi taistella tätä vastaan. Courtney hävisi taistelun. Ratchet: Gladiatoris
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| - *Melissa Disney
*Nika Futterman
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| - Courtney Gears was a robotic pop star. She was a big supporter of the "Destroying the organic life forms" movement. In the year 5356 she was considered the hottest pop star in the Solana Galaxy. She lost her popularity after the scandal with Nefarious, however.
- right|thumb|Courtney Gears.Courtney Gears oli laulaja Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenalissa. Hän oli yksi Dr. Nefariouksen alaisista. Hän lupasi kertoa Nefariouksen suunnitelmista, jos pääsisi yhteen Secret Agent Clankin jaksoon. Studiolla kuvausten jälkeen Courtney tainnutti Clankin ja vei tämän Dr. Nefariouksen puheille, joka tarjosi Clankille kumppanuutta, huonolla menestyksellä. Seuraavaksi Ratchet ja Klunk (Nefariousin rakentama Clankin kopio, jolla Nefarious saattoi seurata Ratchetin liikkeitä) löysivät Courtneyn Obani Dracolta. Hän muutti Skid McMarxin robotiksi Ratchetin nähden sen nauhoitukselta. Nauhoituksen katsomisen jälkeen Ratchet teleportattiin tilaan, jossa Courtney Gears teki musiikkivideoitaan ja alkoi taistella tätä vastaan. Courtney hävisi taistelun. Ratchet: Gladiatorissa Courtney Gearsin kerrottiin palanneen, ja olevan Reactorin tyttöystävä. Luokka:Hahmot Luokka:Pahikset Luokka:Viholliset Luokka:Robotit Luokka:Naishahmot Luokka:Paljastukset
- Her first appearence was at a legal Gladiator show called Annihilation Nation, where she handed over the Thyrra- Guise, as a prize for winning a gauntlet, to Ratchet. Later in the game, Ratchet and Clank found one of her music videos (see video below), that led to suspicion that she was affilated to Nefarious. After Ratchet and Clank won another Annihilation Nation match, Clank arranged a meeting with her at the Holostar Studios. At the studios, however, she shows her true side by kidnapping Clank and replace him with Klunk, Clank's evil twin. Even more later, she kidnaps Skidz, a commrade of Ratchet, and turns him into a robot. She plans to do the same with Ratchet, however despite her impressive fighting abilities and backup dancers, Ratchet defeats her and seemingly destroys her.
- Courtney Gears est une chanteuse robotique qui fera passer la propagande du Dr Nefarious à travers ses chansons, telles "Mort aux Bouseux". Elle est considérée comme une star dans la galaxie de Solana, plus pour son physique que sa voix.
- The only known Courtney Gears song to appear throughout the series is the "Anti-Squishie" song from Up Your Arsenal
- Courtney Gears is a robot and a singer in R&C3 . blargipedia sucks !!!!!
- Courtney Gears var en ekstremt populær pop-stjerne fra galaksen Solana. Hun hadde sine opptredener i Up your arsenal hvor alle trodde hun var snill og grei! helt til hun forvandlet skid mcmarx til en robot/cyborg på Obani Draco i up your arsenal! hun er en robot som skal være laget av Dr Nefarious. Hun var også med i Ratchet Deadlocked noe som er litt mystisk siden hun tilsyenlatende ble drept av Ratchet i up your arsenal på Obani Draco! hun ble nevnet i a crack in time på planeten Vapedia hvor Cassiopeia og dr Nefarious hadde en samtale og cassiopeia sa: "kutt ut med å behandle meg som en av robot lakeiene dine, JEG ER IKKE COURTNEY GEARS!!!" i den første delen av treningsområdet hvor ingen mann noensinne har overlevd! eller, er det egentlig sant!
is Commanders
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