| - Sonic and Sally walk through the forest, talking about how boring things have been, when a Zone Portal opens in front of them. A pair of Echidna Enforcers emerge, place Sonic under arrest, knock Sally unconscious and drag Sonic through the portal to Litigopolis. Sonic notices that they appear to be approaching Castle Acorn and asks if King Acorn is to be his judge. The enforcers explain that the king is serving a thousand-year sentence and bring Sonic before the judge of Litigopolis. J.U.D.G.E. -- the Judgmental Unrelenting Digitized Government Enforcer, whose digital avatar is the spitting image of Julian Kintobor -- is pleased to see that their rabble rouser has finally be apprehended. J.U.D.G.E.'s right hand man, Johnny Snively, explains that he'll serve as the prosecutor for Sonic's trial. Sally McAcorn arrives on the scene and volunteers for the defense. Ten hours later, Sonic is let out on bail. McAcorn explains that things usually take longer, prompting Sonic to ask why the laws in this Zone are so out of control. She tells him that, due to the absurdly high crime rate in the city, King Acorn imposed incredibly strict laws to make people respect the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, normal citizens were affected as well. Anyone could be sued for nearly anything, causing fear to spread over the city. In response, the king commissioned Robotnik Enterprises to create J.U.D.G.E. to serve as the city law enforcer and record keeper. The program immediately overthrew the government, the Echidna Enforcers replaced the police, and the king was imprisoned. Sonic asks why no one has tried to turn J.U.D.G.E off, and McAcorn explains that the citizens are too afraid that they'll get caught and be imprisoned. Sonic rushes off, heading to the Castle to shut J.U.D.G.E. off. On the way, he sets off an alarm and is surrounded by Johnny and the enforcers. Law of the Land - Part Two: "Bad Boys, Bad Boys...Whatcha Gonna Do?" Sonic makes his escape, much to the chagrin of Lieutenant Knuckles. Johnny assures him that they'll find the troublemaker soon enough. At her office, Sally McAcorn shows Sonic a video of Anti-Sonic committing the crime that Sonic was arrested for, taped by one of the many amateur cameramen working to record potential crimes in the city. She explains that the evidence would have saved Sonic, but trying to shut down J.U.D.G.E. counts as treason. Sonic is frustrated and tries to figure out what to do next, but McAcorn warns that if he keeps acting rashly it will likely upset J.U.D.G.E. Sonic realizes something once she says this and heads off to break the system in his own way. Sonic begins defacing public property and jaywalking while Johnny and the J.U.D.G.E. watch from security cameras, overjoyed that they'll be able to charge him with even more crimes. However, Sonic starts moving around the streets rapidly, invading people's personal space and committing so many misdemeanors at once that J.U.D.G.E. can't keep up and explodes. Sonic congratulates himself on his triumph, only for Lieutenant Knuckles to arrive to arrest him. McAcorn knocks him out with her briefcase. Johnny is arrested while McAcorn thanks Sonic for giving Litigopolis an opportunity to adopt a fair legal system. She asks how Sonic will return home with the Zone Portal technology destroyed when Zonic arrives, dragging Sonic back to Mobius before McAcorn can reward his heroics with a kiss.