| - Narrator: The year 20XX. With the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Then suddenly, a robot with built-in weapons made for combat was also developed... (The scene opens as Proto Man is seen running through the Opening Stage until he is stopped by Roll.) Roll: You're... (A big monitor is shown to the right of the two and Dr. Wily is seen on the screen.) Dr. Wily: Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only -- the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots!! (The screen shatters as Dr. Wily in his saucer comes flying out of it. Dr. Wily then proceeds to talk to Proto Man and Roll.) Dr. Wily: Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Who are you? I have no need for a robot who won't take orders! Nuhahahahah... (Dr. Wily's capsule flies away.) Roll: My friends are in trouble! I have to hurry to the lab! (Proto Man proceeds to make his way through the stage until he comes across a door. He enters it, and the screen fades to black. The next scene cuts to Dr. Light and Dr. Wily in Light's Lab. Wily and his saucer is seen holding a stuffed wriggling brown bag with Wily's seal on it. The contents in the bag are Dr. Light's Robot Masters that Wily kidnapped.) Dr. Wily: Nuhahahahah! Just as I promised, Dr. Light, I'll be taking them with me! Dr. Light: Stop, Dr. Wily! Stop, I say! Dr. Wily: Farewell! Nuhahahaha! (Dr. Wily flies off.) Dr. Light: Wait! Stop! Dr. Wily! (Proto Man and Roll arrive at the lab a bit too late.) Dr. Light: ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world... Proto Man: I'll help you this time... But remember this, Light! I haven't forgiven you! Dr. Light: Protoman?! What a surprise! (The scene fades to black.) Dr. Light: With this shield, you can deflect frontal attacks! (Proto Man leaves the lab and proceeds to work his way through the rest of the Opening Stage. He then encounters Dr. Wily.) Dr. Wily: Ach! You followed me?! I don't have time to fool around with the likes of you! (Dr. Wily flies off and leaves Proto Eye to take care of Proto Man.) Dr. Wily: You can play with this! Nuhahahaha! (Proto Man defeats Proto Eye.)