| - Arkadimon is a minor villain in Digimon Xros Wars, but earlier was one of the main villains in Digimon V-Tamer 01.
- Arkadimon is a Bewitching Beast Digimon whose name is derived from the Greek city of Arkadia, a reference to its Tamer's desire to create a "New Utopia". Unlike most Digimon, it keeps the same name throughout its digivolution, and even as a Fresh, it is powerful enough to vaporize Megas. Because of its power and wickedness, it is impossible for a Tamer to truly control it. It also gains an extra claw on each of its feet every time it evolves. In Shinkenger: Digital Advance, Samuel accidentually create the ultimate digimon, but the baby digimon was Arkadimon. This Arkadimon were not exceed to evolve, but more than digivolve into something else. Arkadimon used Shinken attacks to direct them. As Shinkenger to battle, Arkadimon begin to digivolve into Rookie form and destruct them. It was anta
| - Arkadimon is a Bewitching Beast Digimon whose name is derived from the Greek city of Arkadia, a reference to its Tamer's desire to create a "New Utopia". Unlike most Digimon, it keeps the same name throughout its digivolution, and even as a Fresh, it is powerful enough to vaporize Megas. Because of its power and wickedness, it is impossible for a Tamer to truly control it. It also gains an extra claw on each of its feet every time it evolves. In Shinkenger: Digital Advance, Samuel accidentually create the ultimate digimon, but the baby digimon was Arkadimon. This Arkadimon were not exceed to evolve, but more than digivolve into something else. Arkadimon used Shinken attacks to direct them. As Shinkenger to battle, Arkadimon begin to digivolve into Rookie form and destruct them. It was antagonist, but afterward it was now protagonist. It was voiced by similar computer voice program and mistaking he or she become it.
- Arkadimon is a minor villain in Digimon Xros Wars, but earlier was one of the main villains in Digimon V-Tamer 01.