| - Electric Judgment, also known as Emerald Lightning, was a Force technique used by Jedi such as Plo Koon and Jacen Solo.
- Electric Judgment was a Force power invented by Plo Koon. Basically, it was yellow-green electric energy that disabled people without drawing on the dark side of the Force. (Right.) The Jedi insisted this power was not evil. Really. Okay, they said, it looked exactly like Force lightning, but it was totally different. And not evil. Because it was most definitely not Force lightning. It was "Electric Judgment," Officer, and that's their story and they're sticking to it.
| - Electric Judgment was a Force power invented by Plo Koon. Basically, it was yellow-green electric energy that disabled people without drawing on the dark side of the Force. (Right.) The Jedi insisted this power was not evil. Really. Okay, they said, it looked exactly like Force lightning, but it was totally different. And not evil. Because it was most definitely not Force lightning. It was "Electric Judgment," Officer, and that's their story and they're sticking to it. Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo used the power, too, calling it "emerald fire." Jaina Solo called it "mother's little helper." Cade Skywalker just cut out the bullshit and called it Force lightning, because that's what it was.
- Electric Judgment, also known as Emerald Lightning, was a Force technique used by Jedi such as Plo Koon and Jacen Solo.