| - Mada (マダ, Mada) is a Level 78 Persona of the Magician Arcana. It can be obtained by maximizing the Magician Arcana Social Link. Mada inherits "Fire" skills from other Personas in Fusion.
- Mada: 'infatuation'.;Infatuation is of 3 kinds: youth-infatuation, health-infatuation, life-infatuation; D. 33.;Infatuated by youth-infatuation, by health-infatuation and by life-infatuation, the ignorant worldling pursues an evil course in bodily actions, speech and thought, and thereby, at the dissolution of the body, after death, passes to a lower world, to a woeful course of existence, to a state of suffering and hell; A. III, 39.
- Die Göttin Mada, eine Tochter Hesindes, war diejenige, die dafür sorgte, dass die Astralenergie die Welt durchziehen kann. Ihr Symbol ist der Mond, der in Aventurien Madamal genannt wird.
- She serves Matrim Cauthon when he enters the inn and encounters Thomdril Merrilin. She is upset that Mat ordered wine for Thom but is grateful later when Mat seems to have straightened Thom out. She and her sister are very friendly to Thom.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Mada/preload editintro=Mada/editintro width=25 Welcome to Mada
- Mada ist eine Kellnerin im Die Frau aus Tanchico in Tar Valon. Ihre jüngere Schwester Saal ist ebenfalls Kellnerin dort. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:Weiblich Kategorie:Kellnerin Kategorie:Tar Valon (Person) Kategorie:Die Frau aus Tanchico
- In Hinduism, Mada is the monster deity of drunkenness. According to the Mahabhrata, it was summoned by the sage Chyavana to subdue the deity Indra. The story goes that the twin deities Asvin restored Chyavana's youthfulness when the sage rued his aged complexion and compared it to his young wife Sukanya. Feeling grateful, Chyavana told them of a feast hosted by Indra, where the gods would drink the life elixir soma to retain their immortality. Apparently Indra did not allow the twin deities to enter as they had dabbled with mortals for too long. Saddened, they reported this to the sage, who decided to offer sacrifices to the twin deities to signify their godhood. This infuriated Indra, who attacked the sage with thunderbolts and mountains. Chyavana countered by summoning Mada, who was so e
- Mădă este fata din clasă campioană la BaskEt şi detectivul particular al clasei. Până la ora actuală, aceasta a câştigat 69 de cupe de BaskEt şi a rezolvat 34 din cele mai complicate cazuri în Haşdău, majoritatea implicând crimă organizată, trafic de droguri sau bomboane lipite de pereţi. Acest talent la rezolvat mistere este datorat faptului că Mădălina este multilingvistă. Mădălina are un deosebit succes în găsirea criminalilor (pentru că deobicei, Sibo e de vină...ofc...). Există câteva zvonuri despre un anumit alter-ego al Mădălinei, numită No Name.