"Lunalight", known as "Moonlight" (ムーンライト Mūnraito, written as 月光(ムーンライト) in the anime) in the OCG, is an archetype of female LIGHT and DARK Beast-Warrior monsters debuting in "Shining Victories" that are used by Celina in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
Attributes | Values |
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| - "Lunalight", known as "Moonlight" (ムーンライト Mūnraito, written as 月光(ムーンライト) in the anime) in the OCG, is an archetype of female LIGHT and DARK Beast-Warrior monsters debuting in "Shining Victories" that are used by Celina in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
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fr name
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| - * Dreamland x2
* Fire Formation - Tenki x3
* Fusion Tag
* Harpie's Feather Duster
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Polymerization x3
* Terraforming
- * Luna Light Perfume
* Allure of Darkness
* Cattle Call or Fusion Tag
* Fire Formation - Tenki
* Fire Formation - Tensu
* Foolish Burial
* Future Fusion
* Fusion Recovery
* Polymerization
* Pendulum Fusion
* Sky Iris
* Ultra Polymerization
* Branch!
* Zoodiac Barrage
pt name
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| - * Lunalight Reincarnation Dance
* Dimensional Barrier
* Final Attack Orders
* Horn of the Phantom Beast
* Nightmare Archfiends
- * Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
* Lunalight Reincarnation Dance x2
* Solemn Judgment
* Solemn Warning
effect monsters
| - * Lunalight Black Sheep
* Lunalight Blue Cat
* Lunalight Crimson Fox
* Lunalight Purple Butterfly
* Lunalight White Rabbit
* Lunalight Kaleido Chick
* Dark Armed Dragon
* Zoodiac Ratpier
*King of the Swamp
* Mathematician
* Speedroid Taketomborg
* Speedroid Terrortop
- * Lunalight Black Sheep x3
* Lunalight Blue Cat x3
* Lunalight Crimson Fox x2
* Lunalight Purple Butterfly x2
* Lunalight White Rabbit x3
it name
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ko name
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fusion monsters
| - * Lunalight Cat Dancer x3
* Lunalight Leo Dancer x2
* Lunalight Panther Dancer x2
- * Lunalight Cat Dancer
* Lunalight Leo Dancer
* Lunalight Panther Dancer
*Invoked Caliga
*Invoked Mechaba
* Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
* Predaplant Dragostapelia
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es name
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xyz monsters
| - * Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
* Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
* Zoodiac Broadbull
* Zoodiac Drident
* Zoodiac Tigermortar
* Number F0: Utopic Future
* M-X-Saber Invoker
* Number 66: Master Key Beetle
* Sky Cavalry Centaurea
ko romanized
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en name
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| - "Lunalight Purple Butterfly" and "Lunalight White Rabbit" in the artwork of "Lunalight Reincarnation Dance".
ko trans
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romaji anime
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cut from names
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| - * Shining Victories
* V Jump March 2016 promotional card
* The Dark Illusion
* Dimension Box Limited Edition
Ja Name
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pendulum monsters
| - * Lunalight Tiger
* Lunalight Wolf
* Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon
* Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
* Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon
* Performapal Trump Girl
- * Lunalight Tiger x3
* Lunalight Wolf x3
* Performapal Trump Witch
it trans
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trans anime
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| - "Lunalight", known as "Moonlight" (ムーンライト Mūnraito, written as 月光(ムーンライト) in the anime) in the OCG, is an archetype of female LIGHT and DARK Beast-Warrior monsters debuting in "Shining Victories" that are used by Celina in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
is anime deck
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