| - Deftly slamming her fist against the alarm clock, which read "11:00 AM" on her bedside table in an attempt to halt its incessant beeping, Hizashi slowly stumbled to her feet. Straightening her salmon-pink kimono with elegant azure rose patterns adorned upon it, which was left a mess from the events which happened last night, she prepared for another humdrum day wherein nothing of note happens. Yet, this feeling of eternal boredom was somewhat eased by the knowledge that she no longer had to unsheathe her blade against entities of significant threat level. Still, these uneventful times were a much-appreciated reward for her and her friends' exploits. Glancing over to her side, Hizashi noticed Gai sleeping peacefully, as the Mototsu gripped onto a pillow, drooling as he smiled. From Hizashi's perspective, Gai was in the middle of a dream. Though it was late, giving him a rude awakening via kicking him in the crotch was too tempting to resist, yet she restrained and chastisized herself from performing such a childish action, as her love for the boy stopped her from performing such acts. Gazing upon his sleeping state, Hizashi blushed slightly, thinking to herself, "He…Gai is somehow cuter when he is in a state of repose…" Allowing her lover to have a day off and sleep in, not attempting to wake him, Hizashi gently closed the door, exiting the room. This day was one of those rare days where Hizashi fell out of her usual schedule of waking up at the crack of dawn as to achieve a healthy start to the day, and as such, was still highly exhausted from the night before. Dark bags were under her eyes, which were half-open, and she could barely keep stable footing, using the wall as a grip. Perhaps such a feeling of fatigue would vanish the minute she freshened up. Stepping into the bathroom, Hizashi disrobed, flinging her traditionally feminine clothing to the glistening white floor. Sliding the shower door open, Hizashi slowly turned the tap of the shower on. A cold sensation ran down her body, before such iciness became warmer. The feeling of the water running down her back at a high pressure was refreshing. Steam rose from the shower, as Hizashi Yoshi sighed in a sense of completeness and renewal. Around two hundred years ago, after that traumatic event, the only temperature Hizashi's body wanted to accept was freezing due to self-loathing, as a void grew between her and the rest of humankind. She shut her heart off from the world as she felt naught but emptiness; such an event destroyed her emotionally. Hating herself for letting such a fate befall her, she felt tainted by that event, and wished to purge her mind and body from all memories and sensations pertaining to that night, forever or be killed to end her misery. However, since meeting Gai Nagareboshi ten years ago, the trauma that was inflicted upon Hizashi two centuries past has slowly healed, and she had realized that the world wasn't as cruel and worthless as that event had led her to slowly believe. Upon meeting Gai, she had also come to the epiphany that she loved him after witnessing his actions during their first confrontation and she realized wanted to live and loved this world, which they could make a better place, no matter what. At this time, their goal had almost been realized, a new Soul Society, where everyone could live free of deceit, racism, corruption, and poverty. Due to Gai Nagareboshi's vigilante actions against the previous Central 46 and his murders of the council members in cold blood, a far more benevolent, though somewhat eccentric rule was brought in, making sure that this near utopic society that was created would not falter. Staring up at the glistening showerhead which emitted hot water, Hizashi smiled, as she was set free from her trauma, free to shape her own destiny, never bound down by such negativity again. "Gai Nagareboshi...Thank you for your actions on that day. If it was not for you...I do believe that I would not be here. If it was not for you...I never would have become the person I am today." At that moment, Hizashi heard the phone ringing. At that moment, Hizashi considered her options. "Mayhap I could dash down to the telaphone post-haste and rejoinder before anyone notices that I am stark naked...Or conceivably, I should conceal my body with a towel; such a method would be wiser. ...There is semper the option of-" Before Hizashi could choose the option which would be more beneficial for her dignity; a message echoed in a childish and irritating tone, "Hihihihihi~ Nika here, Hizashi Yoshi~ Anyways, whenever you've got the time, which I know you do, could you get your butt down here~? There's something important I'd ever-so-love to discuss with yoooooou~" Sighing, Hizashi pondered, "Kuh...That devil woman...How discommodious. ...Very well. It is my duty, yet an ardous one that I must fufill." Quickly, Hizashi consealed her slender naked body with a towel that extended from her breasts to her thighs, as droplets of water trickled down her soft, snow-white skin.