| - AgentP (aka Phineas-Flynn-77)’s Official Transcript of an IRC roleplay! Idea by Gurgy (the Regurgitator). [11:33] == Phineas-Flynn-77 [4cc40fdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #pfroleplay [12:13] == Gurgy [~chatzilla@katy-dsl-76-164-117-13.consolidated.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] [12:16] == Gurgy [~chatzilla@katy-dsl-76-164-117-13.consolidated.net] has joined #pfroleplay [12:24] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [12:24] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Client Quit] [12:25] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [12:28] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Client Quit] [12:49] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [12:50] == FerbFletcher has changed nick to DrHeinzDoofenshm [12:51] This is a good show. [12:52] *Perry bursts in* [12:52] (Backyard) [12:53] Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! [12:53] We're gonna wonder where Perry is! [12:53] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [12:54] ACTION wonders where Perry is [12:56] == DrHeinzDoofenshm [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #pfroleplay ["IRC regulars have to take breaks sometimes, you know."] [13:02] == MooMooofDoom [~ferretlov@adsl-75-52-69-51.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [13:31] Doofenshmirtz: Norm, I know what we're gonna do today! [13:31] Norm: Whatcha doin'? [13:31] * Phineas-Flynn-77 and Isabella feel disturbances in the universe [13:32] Perry: *Bursts in* [13:32] Doof: The heck? [13:33] Norm: I'll play ping pong with him to distract him so you can finish your plan with the -inator that is right over there sir! [13:33] Doof: Norm, you idiot! [13:33] Perry: Well, what;'s today;'s plan? [13:34] Norm: He's going to use his Time Machine-inator to send some random kid back 3 weeks in time and his girlfriend will leave him for dead! [13:35] Doof: NORM!!! YOU IMBECILE!!!! [13:35] Norm: *sweeps floor* [13:36] Perry: Let me guess, that "kid" is albert? [13:38] Doof: How did you know, you platypus? [13:38] Norm: It's displayed in large letters on that sign [13:39] Doof: What sign? [13:39] Norm: The sign I conveniently placed for Perry to see! [13:39] Doof: *facepalm* [13:41] Perry: Plus, you've been going after Al a lot latley, And since your sendng him 3 weeks in future, there's no use in doing anything once you've done it, so I can just leave now, and come back in 3 weeks to stop you [13:42] Doof: *sends Albert three weeks into the future* [13:42] Norm: Do you want coffee with that? [13:42] Doof: With WHAT? [13:43] Sounds like someone is sending Albert three weeks into the future and a platypus is going to stop it [13:43] ---THREE WEEKS LATER--- [13:48] Irving: Wow, in just 3 weeks Al has gone missing and declared dead, Danvile has gone to crap, and Stacy has found a new boyfreind, after almost a week of crying in her room, though I think she did just cuz she can't live without a boyfreind, and she doesn't care for this new guy, and still misses al. And my idols have slowed down on plans becucase somehow they can't do big ideas without al. [13:49] Whoa, somehow I can't do big ideas without Al. [13:51] Irving: Most likely becuase with a resident a danvile missing, or dead, the balance of the universe is thrown out of wack. I wonder where Al is, if he's alive... [13:52] There is only a 0.00000007362756747475567 chance of him being alive. If he is, there is a 29 percent chance he is in Danville. [13:53] What he's saying is, he's probably dead and/or not in Danville [13:53] *.29 [13:55] *Not to far away, Al arrives in the future* [13:59] Hey, is that Albert? [13:59] * Phineas-Flynn-77 points at rock shaped like Albert [14:01] Albert: Man, that quite a trip. Based on my past experince, I think i'm in the future. About 3 weeks or so. Man, Stacy's proablyt worrried sick! I gotta go re-unite with her! [14:03] Stacy: *is worried sick* [14:07] Albert: *Goes to Stacy's house* [14:09] Stacy: OMG! Albert! [14:10] Stacy: I love you Albert. Will you marry me and never disappear again? [14:11] Albert: Wow, I'm glad you didn't get a new boyfreind or something in the 3 weeks I've been gone. Anyway....aren't we a little young for marriage? [14:11] Stacy: Aw, screw the law [14:12] Albert: ....Ok! [14:17] Stacy: *proposes to Albert* [14:20] Albert: This all so sudden, and random....and usually it's the guy propsing to the girl but....ok! [14:21] Stacy: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [14:23] Albert: Ok, calm down [14:27] For some reason I sense a marriage in the future [14:27] There is a 64 percent chance it is between Stacy and someone else [14:32] How do you even know all this?!? [14:35] Albert: I wonder how I ended up traveling trough time like that-oh who am I kidding, I know it's doof [14:36] Doof: Somehow, I sense that Albert knows it was me that sent him through time [14:42] Albert: So stace, should we get doof for makingg you worry about me, or shouild we just leave him alone? [14:43] Stacy: Who is Doof? [14:47] (in the rp fanon , stacy knows doof, and she /hates/ him) [14:48] (OK) [14:48] Stacy: Oh, that Doof. [14:49] == FerbFletcher [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #pfroleplay [""] [14:50] == StacyHirano [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #pfroleplay [14:50] I hate Doofenshmirtz [14:51] == Stacy_Hirano [4cc40fdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #pfroleplay [14:52] == StacyHirano [~FerbFletc@adsl-76-196-15-223.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #pfroleplay ["Go Celtics!!!"] [14:52] == MooMooofDoom [~ferretlov@adsl-75-52-69-51.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] [14:52] == Gurgy [~chatzilla@katy-dsl-76-164-117-13.consolidated.net] has quit [Quit: brb] [14:59] == Stacy_Hirano [4cc40fdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [15:15] == Gurgy [~chatzilla@katy-dsl-76-164-117-13.consolidated.net] has joined #pfroleplay [15:16] Stacy: Let's go get doof! [15:17] Albert: ya! *Kisses Stacy* [15:18] Stacy: *blushes* [15:19] Albert: Acutally, we've gone after him several times in the past,, and nothing's come out of it. Perhaps we should let him off easy this time [15:23] Stacy: Nah...Princess Pain has returned for more!!! [15:23] * Phineas-Flynn-77 wonders where Albert is [15:23] == Phineas-Flynn-77 has changed nick to Stacy-Hirano [15:24] == Gurgy has changed nick to Albert [15:24] ...Ok then [15:25] So, what do we do now? [15:26] Well, what do you wanna do stacy? [15:32] Um...go get ice cream? [15:32] ...Ok! [15:33] * Stacy-Hirano gets chocolate [15:34] So anything interesting happen in the last 3 weeks? [15:45] Um...no, because you weren't here. [15:48] So nothing happend? No amusing anceddotes you can tell me? What did /you/ do during my dissaperence? [15:49] Cried in my room for a week, then I got some stupid boyfriend to pass time, but he was a total jerk and I dumped him once you came [15:50] What's his name, I'll make him pay! [15:53] His name is...Thor [15:53] Beat up his brother Thaddeus too [15:54] Isn't he like, 10 years old? [15:55] Yup... [15:55] That's what made it so bad [15:56] There's, like, NO boys here that is my age but you and Jeremy [15:56] So you dated a 10 year old, even though there's plenty of nameless backround boys to date? [15:57] I didn't DATE him [15:57] I just gave him candy and told him to go away mostly [15:58] Actually, I had a wheel of all the boys in Danville (except you, Jeremy, Phineas, and Ferb) and spun it. [15:59] Since he's only 10, I won't try to wreak horrible vengeance on him [16:00] Just wreak bad vengeance on him then [16:01] Well, with my vengeance levels, even bad vengeance is horrible [16:02] Then wreak decent vengeance on him [16:04] Nope, even that;'s horrible with my levels [16:04] Then wreak...is any level NOT horrible? [16:05] Well, the first level isn't [16:06] Ok, then wreak that [16:06] What level is that, by the way? [16:08] I forget the name, but it involves playing a childish prank that won't hurt him too much [16:08] Ok. Do that then [16:09] Should I even wreak vengeance at all? I'm not revenge type of person, I stole those levels from goldy [16:10] Ah, well, let's just forget any of this ever happened and jump in that time machine over there [16:11] * Stacy-Hirano jumps in time machine and sets controls to "minus 3 weeks" [16:11] Now we really WILL forget this ever happened! [16:12] -----episode end-----