| - Keldron is, for the most part, unpleasant to be around. Not that he's unaware of this. He's a fairly shady-looking fellow, always dressed so to avoid showing any skin in public. He wears assorted pieces of dark green armor, along with a black hood that may as well serve as a secondary face. He often carries two daggers along with him, attempting to look as menacing/angry as possible so as to keep people from coming up to him. Without his armor, Keldron isn't much prettier to look at. Covered in scars from various post-death surgeries, he looks fairly beat-up and ragged. If one were to see him in this state from far away, though, they might notice that his build, stature and walking habits are normal. His hair--which probably hasn't been washed or combed in gods-know-how-long--is dirty, tangled and long. Having used to put it in man-braids, he's settled for the easier/lazier method of just letting it hang down in his face. He's chosen to cover up the stench of undeath with the slightly less-repulsive smell of cigar smoke and alcohol. Keldron is a fairly obnoxious individual, often going out of his way to start arguments, insult people, pick fights, yell and be an overall nuisance. In a business setting, however, he's much more calm, collected, quiet and mature. In a quiet/casual setting, Keldron can be a fairly calm person. It doesn't take a whole lot to set him off, though. Especially if you go stabbing at his sacred cows (his wife, work ethic, intelligence). He's a fairly greedy individual, which works hand-in-hand with his choice of spouse and profession.