| - On returning to London, Holmes buys another dozen or so papers, handing them to Watson on the pretense of having the doctor read them out, but really because he likes see how many things he can get Watson to carry without complaining. They meet with Lestrade at his office, Holmes insults him, wipes himself clean on the curtains, makes a pass at a hatstand and comments on "how late the hour is". Watson deduces on the way home that The Anus is in fact Jeremy Bevensey, an apparently blameless clock-undertaker with a penchant for wearing hooded cloaks, who had previously told the pair "I am a Red Herring". Holmes calls Watson a name, and then smugly laughs about it inside his head.
| - On returning to London, Holmes buys another dozen or so papers, handing them to Watson on the pretense of having the doctor read them out, but really because he likes see how many things he can get Watson to carry without complaining. They meet with Lestrade at his office, Holmes insults him, wipes himself clean on the curtains, makes a pass at a hatstand and comments on "how late the hour is". Watson deduces on the way home that The Anus is in fact Jeremy Bevensey, an apparently blameless clock-undertaker with a penchant for wearing hooded cloaks, who had previously told the pair "I am a Red Herring". Holmes calls Watson a name, and then smugly laughs about it inside his head. Having no luck reaching the answer by the time they reach Baker Street, Watson asks Holmes for the solution, but receives no reply as Holmes is hiding under the couch from "snipers". Instead he waits for morning, but finds when the clock strikes midnight that Holmes has sneaked out in search of a trick. Watson searches, and is just in time to see Holmes and the Hooded Anus tussling behind the Reichenbach Hotel, and witness their gruesome finish... or does he?