| - A $100,000 budget can handle operations. None of those funds come from PPS. Rather, the sale of city pool tags / user fees and sponsorships pay for the All-City Sports Camp . Background: When PPS Summer Dreamers Academy began, its vision included meaningful, quality activities for every middle school student in PPS. The aim was to curb summer learning loss. About 20 sites were utilized in the first year. In 2014, Summer Dreamers Academy is expected to have one middle school site and 3 elementary grade sites. Demand is present. In 2013 more than 1,200 students applied yet got rejection letters saying that there was no room for them at Summer Dreamers. In 2012, more than 1,600 students got rejection letters. A 2014, the new All-City Sports Camp can meet the programming challenges and demands of parents, citizens and taxpayers. Those that have been getting denied admission to the full-day Summer Dreamers Academy can attend the half-day All-City Sports Camp . Students who have a week of family vacation are told to not enroll in Summer Dreamers as attendance at SDA is a huge factor. Students are only allowed to miss 3 of the 28 days before getting expelled. The All-City Sports Camp can provide bridge activities for those in Summer Dreamers for other days throughout the summer, before and after the official 28 days of Summer Dreamers.