| - Zojun is a Canthan hero of legend. His spirit still resides in Tahnnakai Temple. He was inducted into the temple for his defeat of Magadore five hundred years ago. As his pedestal in Tahnnakai Temple says: Five hundred years ago, Canthan forests began, one-by-one, to shrivel and turn black, all life within them sucked dry. Zojun, a legendary Ranger even then, sought to discover the cause of the forests' destruction and eventually discovered that an evil wizard, Magadore, was sucking life from Cantha's forests and converting it to magical energy, which he planned to use to power a great magical war against the Canthan emperor. Zojun called upon his fellow Rangers, and together they swept through Cantha's remaining forests, charming every beast of any size that crossed their path. Legends tell of a great bestial army that thundered across the land and grew in size until every creature in Cantha had joined its ranks. When the Rangers and their allies arrived at the entrance to Magadore's lair, the sheer weight of their numbers collapsed the earth and Magadore was crushed beneath them. The life he had stolen rose up out of the ground and returned to the forests, which instantly flourished once again."