| - In fiction, it's apparently very hard for the wealthy to avoid being either a Rich Bitch or Spoiled Sweet, both are scorned by the average man. Many Genre Savvy characters spot this trend and hide their wealth. For some they've even been separated from the family, and are wealthy in name only. Expect these characters to be kind, caring and generally the opposite of a Rich Bitch, so that the reveal of their wealth is more shocking. In Real Life, there is an advantage to attempting this, being rich makes members of your family a target for kidnapping or yourself a target for lawsuit.
| - In fiction, it's apparently very hard for the wealthy to avoid being either a Rich Bitch or Spoiled Sweet, both are scorned by the average man. Many Genre Savvy characters spot this trend and hide their wealth. For some they've even been separated from the family, and are wealthy in name only. Expect these characters to be kind, caring and generally the opposite of a Rich Bitch, so that the reveal of their wealth is more shocking. In Real Life, there is an advantage to attempting this, being rich makes members of your family a target for kidnapping or yourself a target for lawsuit. Compare King Incognito, where the secret can be wealth, but must be that the character is powerful in some way or another, and Slumming It, where this is done for fun. See also Non-Idle Rich, for when the wealthy person works a "regular" job for fulfillment and/or helping others. Contrast Mock Millionaire. Examples of Secretly Wealthy include: