| - After the Quinine S Testing Lab was discovered during World War I, local scientists listened to the audio files left there by a currently faceless Doctor Howard Brown. After going through all of the files, the scientists discovered that the monster that was responsible for all of the deaths in the lab, known only as Subject C, had escaped from the lab soon after the doctor had been killed. Wanting to capture this monster, as there was a great chance it was still alive, a group of paranormal investigators, British soldiers, and field scientists went on an expedition to find the beast, Subject C.
| - After the Quinine S Testing Lab was discovered during World War I, local scientists listened to the audio files left there by a currently faceless Doctor Howard Brown. After going through all of the files, the scientists discovered that the monster that was responsible for all of the deaths in the lab, known only as Subject C, had escaped from the lab soon after the doctor had been killed. Wanting to capture this monster, as there was a great chance it was still alive, a group of paranormal investigators, British soldiers, and field scientists went on an expedition to find the beast, Subject C. On all of the people taking part in the expedition, a dagger, pistol, canteen of water, and 10 meters of rope were loaded into a backpack. One of the field scientists, Daniel Granda, kept a journal of events along the trip.