| - Domesday-class battlecruisers, as Galactic Republic fleet analysts nicknamed them, were warships used by the nomadic Thayolen. Analysts were unable to determine if the vessels were crewed by slaves, paid crew, Thayolen, Thayolen-hybrids, or even droids. Duinuogwuin records mention ships matching the description of this type around 105,000 BBY. These vessels were used by the Thayolen to escape their destroyed homeworld, Thayol. The ships served as mobile bases of operation for the Thayolen in their journeys throughout the galaxy.
| - Domesday-class battlecruisers, as Galactic Republic fleet analysts nicknamed them, were warships used by the nomadic Thayolen. Analysts were unable to determine if the vessels were crewed by slaves, paid crew, Thayolen, Thayolen-hybrids, or even droids. Duinuogwuin records mention ships matching the description of this type around 105,000 BBY. These vessels were used by the Thayolen to escape their destroyed homeworld, Thayol. The ships served as mobile bases of operation for the Thayolen in their journeys throughout the galaxy. Although legends about the ships surfaced repeatedly for millennia, often suggesting battles occurring in deep space between huge fleets of the vessels, the first well-documented encounter of the vessels by the Republic occurred in 1,000 BBY. Shortly after the 7th Battle of Ruusan, a fleet of some 144 of these battlecruisers, under the flag of Patrev occupied and quarantined the Thisspias system. Each vessel was a spheroid 1,200 meters in diameter, sporting weapons unknown to the Republic. This fleet easily defeated all Republic efforts to free the system. When Patrev disappeared from the Thisspias system, his fleet left with him. In 26 ABY, what claimed to be the same fleet (according to their own open-channel broadcasts) appeared to defend the Thisspias system from Yuuzhan Vong invasion, disappearing once the threat was gone.