| - ///////////////////REZISE SCRIPT///////////////// ////////////////WORK ONLY WITH LINKED OBJECTS!//////////// /////////LINK 2 OBJECT AND THEN PUT SCRIPT IN THE LAST LINKED SCRIPT/////////// ///////////////YOU WILL SEE IT WORK IF YOU CLICK!////////// ////////:D////////// Let's Start! Just select all then copy and paste in second life! Script:: float MIN_DIMENSION=0.01; // the minimum scale of a prim allowed, in any dimension float MAX_DIMENSION=10.0; // the maximum scale of a prim allowed, in any dimension float max_scale; float min_scale; float cur_scale = 1.0; integer handle; integer menuChan; float min_original_scale=10.0; // minimum x/y/z component of the scales in the linkset float max_original_scale=0.0; // minimum x/y/z component of the scales in the linkset list link_scales = []; list link_positions = []; makeMenu() {llListenRemove(handle); menuChan = 50000 + (integer)llFrand(50000.00); handle = llListen(menuChan,"",llGetOwner(),""); //the button values can be changed i.e. you can set a value like "-1.00" or "+2.00" //and it will work without changing anything else in the script llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Max scale: "+(string)max_scale+"
Min scale: "+(string)min_scale+"
Current scale: "+ (string)cur_scale,["-0.05","-0.10","-0.25","+0.05","+0.10","+0.25","MIN SIZE","RESTORE","MAX SIZE","DELETE..."],menuChan); } integer scanLinkset() {integer link_qty = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer link_idx; vector link_pos; vector link_scale; //script made specifically for linksets, not for single prims if (link_qty > 1) {//link numbering in linksets starts with 1 for (link_idx=1; link_idx <= link_qty; link_idx++) {link_pos=llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link_idx,[PRIM_POSITION]),0); link_scale=llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link_idx,[PRIM_SIZE]),0); // determine the minimum and maximum prim scales in the linkset, // so that rescaling doesn't fail due to prim scale limitations if(link_scale.x else if(link_scale.x>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.x; if(link_scale.y else if(link_scale.y>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.y; if(link_scale.z else if(link_scale.z>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.z; link_scales += [link_scale]; link_positions += [(link_pos-llGetRootPosition())/llGetRootRotation()]; } } else {llOwnerSay("error: this script doesn't work for non-linked objects"); return FALSE; } max_scale = MAX_DIMENSION/max_original_scale; min_scale = MIN_DIMENSION/min_original_scale; return TRUE; } resizeObject(float scale) {integer link_qty = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer link_idx; vector new_size; vector new_pos; if (link_qty > 1) {//link numbering in linksets starts with 1 for (link_idx=1; link_idx <= link_qty; link_idx++) {new_size = scale * llList2Vector(link_scales, link_idx-1); new_pos = scale * llList2Vector(link_positions, link_idx-1); if (link_idx == 1) {//because we don't really want to move the root prim as it moves the whole object llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_idx, [PRIM_SIZE, new_size]); } else {llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_idx, [PRIM_SIZE, new_size, PRIM_POSITION, new_pos]); } } } } default {state_entry() {if (scanLinkset()) {//llOwnerSay("resizer script ready"); } else {llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } } touch_start(integer total) {if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) makeMenu(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) {//you can never be too secure if (id == llGetOwner()) {if (msg == "RESTORE") {cur_scale = 1.0; } else if (msg == "MIN SIZE") {cur_scale = min_scale; } else if (msg == "MAX SIZE") {cur_scale = max_scale; } else if (msg == "DELETE...") {llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Are you sure you want to delete the resizer script?", ["DELETE","CANCEL"],menuChan); return; } else if (msg == "DELETE") {llOwnerSay("deleting resizer script..."); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } else {cur_scale += (float)msg; } //check that the scale doesn't go beyond the bounds if (cur_scale > max_scale) { cur_scale = max_scale; } if (cur_scale < min_scale) { cur_scale = min_scale; } resizeObject(cur_scale); } } }