| - Galax, a Toa of Shadow, stood over a body of an assasin. The assasin had not tried to kill him, but killed his master. Galax had spent his life with his master and knew no one else. So he felt like the assasin had taken his entire life. The punishment fit the crime. Galax's head snapped back when he realized what he did. He had killed. Vengance was his, but with it, he took away his identity. He knew what he had to do to redeem himself. Galax stealthily walked across the room. Suddenly, the lights blasted on. His swords embedded themselves in the wall behind him and a glass container deployed from the ceiling. Just before it trapped him, he rolled a scroll across the floor and into the shadows at the end of the hallway. A giant hand grasped the scroll, and teleported. The Order Of Mata Nui needs this scroll, thought Botar. Helyrx looked at the scroll projected on the red wall of the Crisis Room. The color fit well. All the generals stifled gasps when they looked at it. The reason was simple. And it was horrible. The map led to a secret island. Known as... Arthaka. "As you can see, this map leads to a place that has faded into legend. However, I am afraid, this is true. Botar says it was in the hands of a Toa of Shadow. Someone trapped him, and our agents are having trouble finding out who did this, and what they want. Our only course of action is to send some of our most skilled agents to find this land and stop whoever will attack it. They are being prepped as we speak Ipika slashed a training dummy to shreds with Energized Protodermis sword. "Wow. How is this so sharp?" He said to Hydraz, who had just flung an Oom Member to the floor. They were training for their next mission.