| - Fal-tor-voh was a treatment for a Vulcan neurodegenerative disease, involving a mind meld. The disease caused the neuropeptide levels in the brain to decrease, and affected the logic capabilities. The treatment could only be performed by a Vulcan who was compatible with the patient, which usually meant a blood relative. In 2378, Tuvok required fal-tor-voh as he began showing symptoms of the disease. However, the only other Vulcan on USS Voyager, Vorik, was not compatible, and thus Tuvok required a relative in the Alpha Quadrant.
- Fal-tor-voh was the name of a Vulcan treatment used for those sufferers of a neurological imbalance that can only be cured through the use of a Vulcan mind meld. The disease itself causes the neuropeptide levels in the brain to decrease, affecting a Vulcan's ability to maintain logical control. Fal-tor-voh requires a mind meld with a compatible patient, which usually means a blood relative.
| - Fal-tor-voh was a treatment for a Vulcan neurodegenerative disease, involving a mind meld. The disease caused the neuropeptide levels in the brain to decrease, and affected the logic capabilities. The treatment could only be performed by a Vulcan who was compatible with the patient, which usually meant a blood relative. In 2378, Tuvok required fal-tor-voh as he began showing symptoms of the disease. However, the only other Vulcan on USS Voyager, Vorik, was not compatible, and thus Tuvok required a relative in the Alpha Quadrant. In the original timeline, where Voyager spent twenty-three years in the Delta Quadrant, he returned home far too late for the treatment, and by 2404, Tuvok's mind had suffered irreparable damage, leading him to be permanently quartered in a mental hospital. (VOY: "Endgame") In the new timeline created by Admiral Janeway going back in time to arrange for Voyager to return home after seven years, not twenty-three, Tuvok probably received fal-tor-voh from one of his four children upon his return to the Alpha Quadrant, and survived with all his mental faculties intact. According to the novel Homecoming, Tuvok received the treatment from his son Sek, who came aboard Voyager shortly after its return.
- Fal-tor-voh was the name of a Vulcan treatment used for those sufferers of a neurological imbalance that can only be cured through the use of a Vulcan mind meld. The disease itself causes the neuropeptide levels in the brain to decrease, affecting a Vulcan's ability to maintain logical control. Fal-tor-voh requires a mind meld with a compatible patient, which usually means a blood relative. Tuvok suffered from the disease in 2378 which required him to take treatment as he was beginning to show signs of a lack of control and displays of emotion. However, he was on board the USS Voyager and trapped in the Delta Quadrant and as none of the Vulcans on the ship were compatible, he was required to reach the Alpha Quadrant in order to find a relative that could perform the fal-tor-voh treatment. (VOY episode: Endgame) Upon their arrival at Earth, Tuvok's son Sek was one of the first people allowed on board Voyager so that he could immediately see to Tuvok's needs. Tuvok was cured of the disease after a successful mind-meld with Sek. (VOY novel: Homecoming)