| - The Dothraki are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors in Essos, the continent to the east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea. They inhabit the vast central plains of Essos, known as the Dothraki sea. Their bond with horses is such that Dothraki are said to be born, fight, and die in the saddle. Dothraki warriors are commonly referred to as "horselords". They are also often (and half-derisively) called "Dothraki screamers", because of their fierce war cries as they charge into battle and raids.
- thumb|396px|Einige Dothraki, im Vordergrund Daenerys Die Dothraki sind ein Reitervolk in den Steppen des östlichen Kontinents Essos.
- La lingvo Dothraki estas lingvo unue priskribita de la orientgermana lingvisto George R. R. Martin, parolita de la popolo Dothraki, la indiĝenaj loĝantoj de la Maro Dothraki en Centra Azio. La lingvo estis plu priskribita de usonano David J. Peterson post la falo de Sovetio. Laŭ esploro de lingvistoj, la lingvo havis 3,163 vortojn (praktikacele konsideru 3), ne ĉiuj konitaj de la publiko. En 2012, 146 novnaskitaj knabinoj en Usono estis nomita "Khaleesi", la Dothraki termino por la edzino de khal aŭ reganto kaj la titolo adoptita de la reĝino Daenerys Targaryen.
- Lo es construida per la serie de television Game of Thrones (Jua de Tronos), derivada de la serie de libros Song of Fire and Ice (Canta de Foco e Jelo) par George R. R. Martin. Dothraki es la lingua de la Dothraki (la Cavalores). La singular es dothrak. La lingua no ave un scrive. Seguente Radio 4 de la BBC en maio 2013, la lingua ave 3 700 parolas.
- The Dothraki are the horse lords of the east, a savage people whose customs are very different from those of the people of Westeros. They prize horses and strength, and ride in khalasars behind khals, who are their kings. Daenerys Targaryen's POV chapters in A Game of Thrones, and a few chapters in A Clash of Kings, take place in their world. In these she marries Khal Drogo, a powerful leader of the Dothraki. However, he dies of a wound gone bad. Daenerys then leads her own khalasar through the Dothraki Sea to a fresh world in her quest to win the Iron Throne.
- The Dothraki are a people who live east of the Nine Free Cities. They have copper skin and dark almond eyes. Their horse-lords have drooping mustaches bound with metal rings. The wear their hair is long braids tied with a tiny bell from each kill. The sound of the bells frighten would-be opponents. They cut their braids in shame whenever they lose a battle. They believe that any important event in a man's life must take place out of doors. They are true to their word, but they do things in their own time.
- Die Dothraki sind ein nomadisierendes Reitervolk im Dothrakischen Meer auf dem östlichen Kontinent Essos, dessen weites Grasland sie in sogenannten Khalasaren durchstreifen. Sie sind hochgewachsen mit kupferfarbenem Teint und dunklen mandelförmigen Augen und dunklem Haar.
- Dothraki Society - The Dothraki live in tribes called khalasars, each led by a chief called a khal. Khalasars are broken into groups, called khas, which are each led by one of the khal's captains, called khos. When a khal dies, a new khal may take control of the khalasar or the khas may break away and form new khalasars led by their former khos. Dothraki are expert riders and their horses are of prime importance in their culture, used for food, transportation, raw materials, and warfare.